TECHNICAL REPORTS Statistics Department University of California, Berkeley 1. BREIMAN, L. and FREEDMAN, D. (Nov. 1981, revised Feb. 1982). How many variables should be entered in a regression equation? Jour. Amer. Statist. Assoc., March 1983, 7~8~, No. 381, 131- 136. 2. BRILLINGER, D. R. (Jan. 1982). Some contrasting examples of the time and frequency domain approaches to time series analysis. Time Series Methods in Hydrosciences, (A. H. El-Shaarawi and S. R. Esterby, eds.) Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1982, pp. 1-15. 3. DOKSUM, K. A. (Jan. 1982). On the performance of estimates in proportional hazard and log-linear models. Survival Analysis, (John Crowley and Richard A. Johnson, eds.) IMS Lecture Notes - Monograph Series, (Shanti S. Gupta, series ed.) 1982, 74-84. 4. BICKEL, P. J. and BREIMAN, L. (Feb. 1982). Sums of functions of nearest neighbor distances, moment bounds, limit theorems and a goodness of fit test. Ann. Prob., 1983, 1~1~. No. 1, 185-214. 5. BRILLINGER, D. R. and TUKEY, J. W. (March 1982). Spectrum estimation and system identification relying on a Fourier transform. The Collected Works of J. W. Tukey, vol. 2, Wadsworth, 1985, 1001-1141. 6. BERAN, R. (May 1982). Jackknife approximation to bootstrap estimates. Ann. Statist., March 1984, 1~2~ No. 1, 101-118. 7. BICKEL, P. J. and FREEDMAN, D. A. (June 1982). Bootstrapping regression models with many parameters. Lehmann Festschrift, (P. J. Bickel, K. Doksum and J. L. Hodges, Jr., eds.) Wadsworth Press, Belmont, 1983, 28-48. 8. BICKEL, P. J. and COLLINS, J. (March 1982). Minimizing Fisher information over mixtures of distributions. Sankhya, 1983, 4~5~, Series A, Pt. 1, 1-19. 9. BREIMAN, L. and FRIEDMAN, J. (July 1982). Estimating optimal transformations for multiple regression and correlation. JASA, 1985. 10. FREEDMAN, D. A. and PETERS, S. (July 1982, revised Aug. 1983). Bootstrapping a regression equation: some empirical results. JASA, 1984, 7~9~, 97-106. 11. EATON, M. L. and FREEDMAN, D. A. (Sept. 1982). A remark on adjusting for covariates in multiple regression. 12. BICKEL, P. J. (April 1982). Minimax estimation of the mean of a mean of a normal distribution subject to doing well at a point. Recent Advances in Statistics, Academic Press, 1983. 14. FREEDMAN, D. A., ROTHENBERG, T. and SUTCH, R. (Oct. 1982). A review of a residential energy end use model. 15. BRILLINGER, D. and PREISLER, H. (Nov. 1982). Maximum likeli- hood estimation in a latent variable problem. Studies in Econometrics, Time Series, and Multivariate Statistics, (eds. S. Karlin, T. Amemiya, L. A. Goodman). Academic Press, New York, 1983, pp. 31-65. 16. BICKEL, P. J. (Nov. 1982). Robust regression based on infin- itesimal neighborhoods. Ann. Statist., Dec. 1984, 1~2~, 1349-1368. 17. DRAPER, D. C. (Feb. 1983). Rank-based robust analysis of linear models. I. Exposition and review. Statistical Science, 1988, Vol. 3 No. 2 239-271. 18. DRAPER, D. C. (Feb 1983). Rank-based robust inference in regression models with several observations per cell. 19. FREEDMAN, D. A. and FIENBERG, S. (Feb. 1983, revised April 1983). Statistics and the scientific method, Comments on and reactions to Freedman, A rejoinder to Fienberg's comments. Springer New York 1985 Cohort Analysis in Social Research, (W. M. Mason and S. E. Fienberg, eds.). 20. FREEDMAN, D. A. and PETERS, S. C. (March 1983, revised Jan. 1984). Using the bootstrap to evaluate forecasting equa- tions. J. of Forecasting. 1985, Vol. 4, 251-262. 21. FREEDMAN, D. A. and PETERS, S. C. (March 1983, revised Aug. 1983). Bootstrapping an econometric model: some empirical results. JBES, 1985, 2, 150-158. 22. FREEDMAN, D. A. (March 1983). Structural-equation models: a case study. 23. DAGGETT, R. S. and FREEDMAN, D. (April 1983, revised Sept. 1983). Econometrics and the law: a case study in the proof of antitrust damages. Proc. of the Berkeley Conference, in honor of Jerzy Neyman and Jack Kiefer. Vol I pp. 123-172. (L. Le Cam, R. Olshen eds.) Wadsworth, 1985. 24. DOKSUM, K. and YANDELL, B. (April 1983). Tests for exponen- tiality. Handbook of Statistics, (P. R. Krishnaiah and P. K. Sen, eds.) 4~, 1984, 579-611. 25. FREEDMAN, D. A. (May 1983). Comments on a paper by Markus. 26. FREEDMAN, D. (Oct. 1983, revised March 1984). On bootstrap- ping two-stage least-squares estimates in stationary linear models. Ann. Statist., 1984, 1~2~, 827-842. 27. DOKSUM, K. A. (Dec. 1983). An extension of partial likeli- hood methods for proportional hazard models to general transformation models. Ann. Statist., 1987, 1~5~, 325-345. 28. BICKEL, P. J., GOETZE, F. and VAN ZWET, W. R. (Jan. 1984). A simple analysis of third order efficiency of estimate Proc. of the Neyman-Kiefer Conference, (L. Le Cam, ed.) Wads- worth, 1985. 29. BICKEL, P. J. and FREEDMAN, D. A. Asymptotic normality and the bootstrap in stratified sampling. Ann. Statist. 1~2~ 470-482. 30. FREEDMAN, D. A. (Jan. 1984). The mean vs. the median: a case study in 4-R Act litigation. JBES. 1985 Vol 3 pp. 1- 13. 31. STONE, C. J. (Feb. 1984). An asymptotically optimal window selection rule for kernel density estimates. Ann. Statist., Dec. 1984, 1~2~, 1285-1297. 32. BREIMAN, L. (May 1984). Nail finders, edifices, and Oz. Neyman-Kiefer Memorial Volume. 33. STONE, C. J. (Oct. 1984). Additive regression and other non- parametric models. Ann. Statist., 1985, 1~3~, 689-705. 34. STONE, C. J. (June 1984). An asymptotically optimal histo- gram selection rule. Proc. of the Berkeley Conf. in Honor of Jerzy Neyman and Jack Kiefer (L. Le Cam and R. A. Olshen, eds.), II, 513-520. 35. FREEDMAN, D. A. and NAVIDI, W. C. (Sept. 1984, revised Jan. 1985). Regression models for adjusting the 1980 Census. Statistical Science. Feb 1986, Vol. 1, No. 1, 3-39. 36. FREEDMAN, D. A. (Sept. 1984, revised Nov. 1984). De Finetti's theorem in continuous time. (reissued as Tech Report). 37. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D. (Oct. 1984). An elementary proof of Stirling's formula. Amer. Math Monthly. Feb 1986, Vol. 93, No. 2, 123-125. 38. LE CAM, L. (Nov. 1984). Sur l'approximation de familles de mesures par des familles Gaussiennes. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar'e, 1985, 2~1~, 225-287. 39. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D. A. (Nov. 1984). A note on weak star uniformities. 40. BREIMAN, L. and IHAKA, R. (Dec. 1984). Nonlinear discrim- inant analysis via SCALING and ACE. 41. STONE, C. J. (Jan. 1985). The dimensionality reduction prin- ciple for generalized additive models. Ann. Statist., 1986, 1~4~, 590-606. 42. LE CAM, L. (Jan. 1985). On the normal approximation for sums of independent variables. 43. BICKEL, P. J. and YAHAV, J. A. (1985). On estimating the number of unseen species: how many executions were there? 44. BRILLINGER, D. R. (1985). The natural variability of vital rates and associated statistics. Biometrics, 1986, 4~2~, 693- 712. 45. BRILLINGER, D. R. (1985). Fourier inference: some methods for the analysis of array and nonGaussian series data. Water Resources Bulletin, 1985, 2~1~, 743-756. 46. BREIMAN, L. and STONE, C. J. (1985). Same as Tech Report No. 167. 47. DABROWSKA, D. M. and DOKSUM, K. A. (1985, revised March 1987). Partial likelihood in transformation models with censored data. Scandinavian J. Statist., 1988, 1~5~, 1-23. 48. HAYCOCK, K. A. and BRILLINGER, D. R. (November 1985). LIBDRB: A subroutine library for elementary time series analysis. 49. BRILLINGER, D. R. (October 1985). Fitting cosines: some procedures and some physical examples. Joshi Festschrift, 1986. D. Reidel. 50. BRILLINGER, D. R. (November 1985). What do seismology and neurophysiology have in common? - Statistics! Comptes Rendus Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada. January, 1986. 51. COX, D. D. and O'SULLIVAN, F. (October 1985). Analysis of penalized likelihood-type estimators with application to generalized smoothing in Sobolev Spaces. 52. O'SULLIVAN, F. (November 1985). A practical perspective on ill-posed inverse problems: A review with some new develop- ments. To appear in Journal of Statistical Science. 53. LE CAM, L. and YANG, G. L. (November 1985, revised March 1987). On the preservation of local asymptotic normality under information loss. Ann. Stat. 1~6~, 483-520, 1988. 54. BLACKWELL, D. (November 1985). Approximate normality of large products. 55. FREEDMAN, D. A. (June 1987). As others see us: A case study in path analysis. Journal of Educational Statistics. 1~2~, 101-128. 56. LE CAM, L. and YANG, G. L. (January 1986). Replaced by No. 68. 57. LE CAM, L. (February 1986). On the Bernstein - von Mises theorem. 58. O'SULLIVAN, F. (January 1986). Estimation of Densities and Hazards by the Method of Penalized likelihood. 59. ALDOUS, D. and DIACONIS, P. (February 1986). Strong Uniform Times and Finite Random Walks. Adv. in Appl. Math. 1987, 8~, 69-97. 60. ALDOUS, D. (March 1986). On the Markov Chain Simulation Method for Uniform Combinatorial Distributions and Simulated Annealing. Probab. Engineering Inform. Sci. 1987, 1~, 33-46. 61. CHENG, C-S. (April 1986). An Optimization Problem with Applications to Optimal Design Theory. Annals of Statistics 1987, 1~5~, 712-723. 62. CHENG, C-S., MAJUMDAR, D., STUFKEN, J. & TURE, T. E. (May 1986, revised Jan 1987). Optimal step type design for comparing test treatments with a control. Journal of American Statistical Association 1988, 8~3~, 477-482. 63. CHENG, C-S. (May 1986, revised Jan. 1987). An Application of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz Equivalence Theorem. Annals of Statistics 1987, 1~5~, 1593-1603. 64. O'SULLIVAN, F. (May 1986). Nonparametric Estimation in the Cox Proportional Hazards Model. 65. ALDOUS, D. (JUNE 1986). Finite-Time Implications of Relaxa- tion Times for Stochastically Monotone Processes. Probab. Th. Rel. Fields 1988, 7~7~, 137-145. 66. PITMAN, J. (JULY 1986, revised November 1986). Stationary Excursions. 67. DABROWSKA, D. and DOKSUM, K. (July 1986, revised November 1986). Estimates and confidence intervals for median and mean life in the proportional hazard model with censored data. Biometrika, 1987, 7~4~, 799-808. 68. LE CAM, L. and YANG, G.L. (July 1986). Distinguished Statistics, Loss of information and a theorem of Robert B. Davies (Fourth edition). In Statistical decision theory and related topics IV, Vol. 2, 163-175. Berger and Gupta editors. Springer Verlag. 1988. 69. STONE, C.J. (July 1986). Asymptotic properties of logspline density estimation. Ann. Statist., 1990, 1~8~, 717-741. 71. BICKEL, P.J. and YAHAV, J.A. (July 1986). Richardson Extra- polation and the Bootstrap. 72. LEHMANN, E.L. (July 1986). Statistics - an overview. Encycl. Statist. Sci. 1988, Vol. 8, 683-702. Wiley. 73. STONE, C.J. (August 1986). A nonparametric framework for statistical modelling. Proc. Intl. Cong. Math 1986, 1987, 1052-1056. 74. BIANE, PH. and YOR, M. (August 1986). A relation between L'evy's stochastic area formula, Legendre polynomial, and some continued fractions of Gauss. 75. LEHMANN, E.L. (August 1986, revised July 1987). Comparing Location Experiments. Ann. Statist. 1988, 1~6~, 521-533. 76. O'SULLIVAN, F. (September 1986). Relative risk estimation. 77. O'SULLIVAN, F. (September 1986). Deconvolution of episodic hormone data. 78. PITMAN, J. & YOR, M. (September 1987). Further asymptotic laws of planar Brownian motion. 79. FREEDMAN, D.A. & ZEISEL, H. (November 1986). >From mouse to man: The quantitative assessment of cancer risks. Statistical Science, 1988, Vol. 3 No. 1, 3-56. 80. BRILLINGER, D.R. (October 1986). Maximum likelihood analysis of spike trains of interacting nerve cells. Biological Cybernetics, 1988, 5~9~, 189-200. 81. DABROWSKA, D.M. (November 1986). Nonparametric regression with censored survival time data. 82. DOKSUM, K.J. and LO, A.Y. (Nov 1986, revised Aug 1988). Con- sistent and robust Bayes Procedures for Location based on Partial Information. Ann. Statist., 1~8~, 443-453. 83. DABROWSKA, D.M., DOKSUM, K.A. and MIURA, R. (November 1986). Rank estimates in a class of semiparametric two-sample models. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 4~1~, 63-79. 84. BRILLINGER, D. (December 1986). Some statistical methods for random process data from seismology and neurophysiology. Ann. Statist., 1988, 1~6~, 1-54. 85. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D. (December 1986). A dozen de Finetti-style results in search of a theory. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar'e, 1987, 2~3~, 397-423. 86. DABROWSKA, D.M. (January 1987). Uniform consistency of nearest neighbour and kernel conditional Kaplan - Meier esti- mates. 87. FREEDMAN, D.A., NAVIDI, W. and PETERS, S.C. (February 1987). On the impact of variable selection in fitting regression equations. T.K. Dijkstra, ed. On Model Uncertainty and Its Statistical Implications. Lecture Notes in Econometric and Mathematical Systems, No. 307 Springer, Berlin pp.1-16. 88. ALDOUS, D. (February 1987, revised April 1987). Hashing with linear probing, under non-uniform probabilities. Probab. Engineering Inform. Sci. 1988, 2~, 1-14. 89. DABROWSKA, D.M. and DOKSUM, K.A. (March 1987, revised January 1988). Estimating and testing in a two sample generalized odds rate model. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 1988, 8~3~, 744- 749. 90. DABROWSKA, D.M. (March 1987). Rank tests for matched pair experiments with censored data. 91. DIACONIS, P and FREEDMAN, D.A. (April 1988). Conditional limit theorems for exponential families and finite versions of de Finetti's theorem. Journal of Theoretical Probability, Oct. 1988, Vol. 1 No. 4, 381-410. 92. DABROWSKA, D.M. (April 1987, revised September 1987). Kaplan-Meier estimate on the plane. 92a.ALDOUS, D. (April 1987). The Harmonic mean formula for pro- babilities of Unions: Applications to sparse random graphs. Discrete Math. 1989, 7~6~, 167-176. 93. DABROWSKA, D.M. (June 1987, revised Feb 1988). Nonparametric quantile regression with censored data. 94. DONOHO, D.L. & STARK, P.B. (June 1987). Uncertainty princi- ples and signal recovery. SIAM J. Appl. Math., June, 1989. 95. CANCELLED 96. BRILLINGER, D.R. (June 1987). Some examples of the statisti- cal analysis of seismological data. Observational Seismology (Ed. J.L. Litchiser) Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley (1989). 97. FREEDMAN, D.A. and NAVIDI, W. (June 1987). On the multi- stage model for carcinogenesis. Environmental Health Per- spectives, 1989, 8~1~, 169-188. 98. O'SULLIVAN, F. and WONG, T. (June 1987). Determining a func- tion diffusion coefficient in the heat equation. 99. O'SULLIVAN, F. (June 1987). Constrained non-linear regulari- zation with application to some system identification prob- lems. 100. LE CAM, L. (July 1987, revised Nov 1987). On the standard asymptotic confidence ellipsoids of Wald. Internat. Sta- tist. Review, 5~8~, 129-152, 1990. 101. DONOHO, D.L. and LIU, R.C. (July 1987). Pathologies of some minimum distance estimators. Annals of Statistics, June, 1988. 102. BRILLINGER, D.R., DOWNING, K.H. and GLAESER, R.M. (July 1987). Some statistical aspects of low-dose electron imaging of crystals. J. Statistical Planning & Inference 1990, 2~5~, 235-259. 103. LE CAM, L. (August 1987). Harald Cram'er and sums of independent random variables. 104. DONOHO, A.W., DONOHO, D.L. and GASKO, M. (August 1987). Macspin: Dynamic graphics on a desktop computer. IEEE Computer Graphics and applications, June, 1988. 105. DONOHO, D.L. and LIU, R.C. (August 1987). On minimax esti- mation of linear functionals. 106. DABROWSKA, D.M. (August 1987). Kaplan-Meier estimate on the plane: weak convergence, LIL and the bootstrap. 107. CHENG, C-S. (Aug 1987, revised Oct 1988). Some orthogonal main-effect plans for asymmetrical factorials. 108. CHENG, C-S. and JACROUX, M. (August 1987). On the construc- tion of trend-free run orders of two-level factorial designs. Journal of American Statistical Association 1988, 8~3~, 1152- 1158. 109. KLASS, M.J. (August 1987). Maximizing E1ltekltenmax Sk+/ESn+: A prophet inequality for sums of I.I.D. mean zero variates. Ann. Prob. 1987, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1243-1247. 110. DONOHO, D.L. and LIU, R.C. (August 1987). The ``automatic'' robustness of minimum distance functionals. Annals of Statistics, June, 1988. 111. BICKEL, P.J. and GHOSH, J.K. (August 1987, revised June 1988). A decomposition for the likelihood ratio statistic and the Bartlett correction -- a Bayesian argument. 112. BURDZY, K., PITMAN, J.W. and YOR, M. (September 1987). Some asymptotic laws for crossings and excursions. 113. ADHIKARI, A. and PITMAN, J. (September 1987). The shortest planar arc of width 1. 114. RITOV, Y. (September 1987). Estimation in a linear regres- sion model with censored data. 115. BICKEL, P.J. and RITOV, Y. (Sept. 1987, revised Aug 1988). Large sample theory of estimation in biased sampling regression models I. 116. RITOV, Y. and BICKEL, P.J. (Sept.1987, revised Aug. 1988). Achieving information bounds in non and semiparametric models. 117. RITOV, Y. (October 1987). On the convergence of a maximal correlation algorithm with alternating projections. 118. ALDOUS, D.J. (Oct. 1987, revised Aug. 1990). Meeting times for independent Markov chains. Stochastic Process. Appl. 1991, 3~8~, 185-193. 119. HESSE, C.H. (Oct. 1987, revised May. 1991). An asymptotic expansion for the mean of the passage-time distribution of integrated Brownian Motion. 120. DONOHO, D. and LIU, R. (Oct. 1987, revised Mar. 1988, Oct. 1988). Geometrizing rates of convergence, II. 121. BRILLINGER, D.R. (October 1987). Estimating the chances of large earthquakes by radiocarbon dating and statistical modelling. Statistics a Guide to the Unknown, pp. 249-260 (Eds. J.M. Tanur et al.) Wadsworth, Pacific Grove. 122. ALDOUS, D., FLANNERY, B. and PALACIOS, J.L. (November 1987). Two applications of urn processes: The fringe analysis of search trees and the simulation of quasi-stationary distributions of Markov chains. Probab. Engineering Inform. Sci. 1988, 2~, 293-307. 123. DONOHO, D.L., MACGIBBON, B. and LIU, R.C. (Nov.1987, revised July 1988). Minimax risk for hyperrectangles. Appeared Annals of Statistics, 1416-1437. September 1990. 124. ALDOUS, D. (November 1987). Stopping times and tightness II. Ann. Probab. 1989, 1~7~, 586-595. 125. HESSE, C.H. (Nov. 1987, revised Sept. 1990). Modelling Sed- imentation. 126. DALANG, R.C. (December 1987, revised June 1988). Optimal stopping of two-parameter processes on nonstandard probabil- ity spaces. 127. Same as No. 133. 128. DONOHO, D. and GASKO, M. (December 1987). Multivariate gen- eralizations of the median and trimmed mean II. 129. SMITH, D.L. (December 1987). Exponential bounds in Vapnik- vCervonenkis classes of index 1. 130. STONE, C.J. (Nov.1987, revised Sept. 1988). Uniform error bounds involving logspline models. Prob., Statist. and Math: Papers in Honor of S. Karlin (T.W. Anderson K.B. Athreya & D.C. Iglehart, eds.), Academic Press, Boston, 1989, 335-355. 131. Same as No. 140 132. HESSE, C.H. (Dec. 1987, revised June 1989). A Bahadur - Type representation for empirical quantiles of a large class of stationary, possibly infinite - variance, linear processes. Ann. Statist. 1~8~, 1188-1202. 133. DONOHO, D.L. and GASKO, M. (December 1987). Multivariate generalizations of the median and trimmed mean, I. 134. CANCELLED 135. FREEDMAN, D.A. and NAVIDI, W. (December 1987). Ex-smokers and the multistage model for lung cancer. Epidemiology, Jan. 1990, Vol. 1 No. 1, 21-29 136. LE CAM, L. (January 1988). On some stochastic models of the effects of radiation on cell survival. 137. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D.A. (April 1988). On the uni- form consistency of Bayes estimates for multinomial probabil- ities. Ann. Statist. 1990, Vol. 18, 1317-1324 137a.DONOHO, D.L. and LIU, R.C. (1987). Geometrizing rates of convergence, I. 138. DONOHO, D.L. and LIU, R.C. (Jan. 1988, revised Jan 1990). Geometrizing rates of convergence, III. 139. BERAN, R. (January 1988). Refining simultaneous confidence sets. 140. HESSE, C.H. (Dec. 1987, revised Oct. 1990). Statistical aspects of neural networks. 141. BRILLINGER, D.R. (Jan. 1988). Two reports on trend analysis: a) An elementary trend analysis of Rio negro levels at Manaus, 1903-1985. Revista Brasileira de Probabilidade e Estatistira 1988, 2~, 63-79. b) Consistent detection of a monotonic trend superposed on a stationary time series. Biometrika 1989, 7~6~, 23-30. 142. DONOHO, D.L. (Jan. 1985, revised Jan. 1988). One-sided inference about functionals of a density. Ann. Stat., December, 1988. 143. DALANG, R.C. (Feb. 1988, revised Nov. 1988). Randomization in the two-armed bandit problem. 144. DABROWSKA, D.M., DOKSUM, K.A. and SONG, J.K. (February 1988). Graphical comparisons of cumulative hazards for two populations. Biometrika, 1989, 7~6~, 763-773. 145. ALDOUS, D.J. (February 1988). Lower bounds for covering times for reversible Markov Chains and random walks on graphs. J. Theoretical Probab. 1989, 2~, 91-100. 146. BICKEL, P.J. and RITOV, Y. (Feb.1988, revised August 1988). Estimating integrated squared density derivatives. 147. STARK, P.B. (March 1988). Strict bounds and applications. Some Topics on Inverse Problems, P.C. Sabatier, ed., 1988 World Scientific, Singapore. 148. DONOHO, D.L. and STARK, P.B. (March 1988). Rearrangements and smoothing. 149. NOLAN, D. (Sept. 1989, revised Oct. 1990). On min-max majority and deepest points. 150. SEILLIER, F. (March 1988). Sequential probability forecasts and the probability integral transform. 151. NOLAN, D. (Mar. 1988, revised Feb. 1990). Asymptotics for multivariate trimming. 152. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D.A. (April 1988). Cauchy's equation and de Finetti's theorem. Scand. J. Statist. 1990, 1~7~, 235-250. 153. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D.A. (April 1988). On the prob- lem of types. 154. DOKSUM, K.A. and GASKO, M. (May 1988). On the correspondence between models in binary regression analysis and survival analysis. International Statist. Review, 1990, 5~8~, 243-252. 155. LEHMANN, E.L. (May 1988). Jerzy Neyman, 1894-1981. Dic- tionary of Scientific Biography (1991). 156. ALDOUS, D.J. (May 1988). Stein's method in a two- dimensional coverage problem. Stat. Probab. Letters 1989, 8~, 307-314. 157. FAN, J. (June 1988). On the optimal rates of convergence for nonparametric deconvolution problem. 158. DABROWSKA, D. (June 1988). Signed-rank tests for censored matched pairs. 159. BERAN, R.J. and MILLAR, P.W. (June 1988, revised Nov. 1993). Multivariate symmetry models. 160. BERAN, R.J. and MILLAR, P.W. (June 1988, revised Feb. 1991). Tests of fit for logistic models. 161. BREIMAN, L. and PETERS, S. (June 1988, revised March 1990). Comparing automatic smoothers (A public service enterprise). 162. FAN, J. (June 1988). Optimal global rates of convergence for nonparametric deconvolution problem. To be published ISR. 163. Cancelled 164. BICKEL, P.J. and KRIEGER, A.M. (July 1988). Confidence bands for a distribution function using the bootstrap. 165. HESSE, C.H. (July 1988, revised April 1991). On asymptotics of the sample distribution for a class of linear process models in economics. 166. FAN, JIANQING (July 1988). Nonparametric estimation of qua- dratic functionals in Gaussian white noise. 167. BREIMAN, L., STONE, C.J. and KOOPERBERG, C. (August 1988). Confidence bounds for extreme quantiles. J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 1990, 3~7~, 127-149. 168. LE CAM, L. (Aug. 1988, revised Jan. 1990). Maximum likeli- hood an introduction. Internat. Statist. Review 5~8~, 153- 171, 1990. 169. BREIMAN, L. (Aug.1988, revised Aug. 1991). The little bootstrap and other methods for dimensionality selection in regression: X-fixed prediction error. To be published JASA. 170. LE CAM, L. (September 1988). On the Prokhorov distance between the empirical process and the associated Gaussian bridge. 171. STONE, C.J. (September 1988). Large-sample inference for logspline models. Ann. Statist., 1990, 1~8~, 717-741. 172. ADLER, R.J. and EPSTEIN, R. (September 1988). Intersection local times for infinite systems of planar brownian motions and for the brownian density process. 173. MILLAR, P.W. (October 1988). Optimal estimation in the non-parametric multiplicative intensity model. 174. YOR, M. (Oct. 1988, rev. Aug. 1992). Interwinings of Bessel processes. 175. ROJO, J. (October 1988). On the concept of tail-heaviness. 176. ABRAHAMS, D.M. and RIZZARDI, F. (September 1988). BLSS - The Berkeley interactive statistical system: An overview. 177. MILLAR, P.W. (October 1988). Gamma-funnels in the domain of a probability, with statistical implications. 178. DONOHO, D.L. and LIU, R.C. (October 1988). Hardest one- dimensional subproblems. 179. DONOHO, D.L. and STARK, P.B. (October 1988). Recovery of sparse signal when the low frequency information is missing. 180. FREEDMAN, D.A. and PITMAN, J.A. (Nov. 1988). A measure which is singular and uniformly locally uniform. Proc. Amer. Math Soc. Vol. 108, No. 2, February, 1990. 181. DOKSUM, K.A. and H'OYLAND, ARNLJOT (Nov. 1988, revised Mar. 1991). Models for variable stress accelerated life testing experiments based on Wiener processes and the inverse Gaussian distribution. Technometrics, 1992, 3~4~, 74-82. 182. DALANG, R.C., MORTON, A. and WILLINGER, W. (November 1988). Equivalent martingale measures and no-arbitrage in stochastic securities market models. 183. BERAN, R. (November 1988). Calibrating prediction regions. 184. BARLOW, M.T., PITMAN, J. and YOR, M. (Feb. 1989). On Walsh's Brownian Motions. 185. DALANG, R.C. and WALSH, J.B. (Dec. 1988). Almost- equivalence of the germ-field Markov property and the sharp Markov property of the Brownian sheet. 186. Cancelled. 187. NEVEU, J. and PITMAN, J.W. (Feb. 1989). Renewal property of the extrema and tree property of the excursion of a one-dimensional brownian motion. 188. NEVEU, J. and PITMAN, J.W. (Feb. 1989). The branching pro- cess in a brownian excursion. 189. PITMAN, J.W. and YOR, M. (Nov. 1990). Arcsin laws and interval partitions derived from a stable subordinator. 190. CANCELLED 191. LEHMANN, E.L. and SCHOLZ, F.W. (Jan. 1989). Ancillarity. To appear in IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series Vol. 17 (Scheduled for publication in 1992). 192. PEMANTLE, R. (Feb. 1989). A time-dependent version of P'olya's urn. 193. PEMANTLE, R. (Feb. 1989). Nonconvergence to unstable points in urn models and stochastic approximations. 194. PEMANTLE, R. (Feb. 1989, revised May 1989). When are touch- points limits for generalized P'olya urns. 195. PEMANTLE, R. (Feb. 1989). Random walk in a random environ- ment and first-passage percolation on trees. 196. BARLOW, M., PITMAN, J. and YOR, M. (Feb. 1989). Une exten- sion multidimensionnelle de la loi de l'arc sinus. 197. BREIMAN, L. and SPECTOR, P. (Mar. 1989, revised June 1990). Submodel selection and evaluation in regression -- the X- random case. 198. BREIMAN, L., TSUR, Y. and ZEMEL, A. (Mar. 1989). A simple estimation procedure for censored regression models with known error distribution. 199. BRILLINGER, D.R. (Mar. 1989). Two papers on bilinear sys- tems: a) A study of second- and third-order spectral pro- cedures and maximum likelihood identification of a bilinear system. IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processes 1990, 3~8~, 1238- 1245. b) Some statistical aspects of NMR spectroscopy, Actas del 2o congreso lantinoamericano de probabilidad y estadistica matematica, Caracas, 1985. 200. BRILLINGER, D.R. (Mar. 1989). Two papers on higher-order spectra: a) Parameter estimation for nonGaussian processes via second and third order spectra with an application to some endocrine data. Advanced Methods of Physiological System Modelling (Ed. V.Z. Marmarelis) Plenum, New York (1989). b) Some history of the study of higher-order moments and spectra. Statistica Sinica 1991, 1~, 465-476. 201. DE LA PE~NA, V. and KLASS, M.J. (April 1989). L bounds for quadratic forms of independent random variables. 202. FREEDMAN, D.A. and NAVIDI, W.C. (April 1989). Testing the independence of competing risks. 203. TERDIK, G. (May 1989). Bilinear state space realization for polynomial stochastic systems. 204. DONOHO, D.L. and JOHNSTONE, I.M. (May 1989). Minimax risk over lp-Balls. 205. PEMANTLE, R., PROPP, J. and ULLMAN, D. (May 1989). On ten- sor powers of integer programs. 206. MILASEVIC, P. and NOLAN, D. (May 1989). Estimation on the sphere: A geometric approach. 207. SPEED, T.P. and YU, B. (July 1989, rev. Oct. 1989). Sto- chastic complexity and model selection: normal regression. 208. DUBINS, L.E. (June 1989). A group decision device: Its pareto-like optimality. 209. BREIMAN, L. (July 1989, revised Aug. 1991). Fitting addi- tive models to regression data: Diagnostics and alternative views. To be published J. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 210. PEMANTLE, R. (July 1989). Vertex-reinforced random walk. 211. LE CAM, L. (August 1989). On measurability and convergence in distribution. 212. FELDMAN, R.E. (July 1989). Autoregressive processes and first-hit probabilities for randomized random walks. 213. DONOHO, D.L., JOHNSTONE, I.M., HOCH, J.C. and STERN, A.S. (August 1989). Maximum entropy and the nearly black object. 214. DONOHO, D.L. (Aug. 1989, revised Sept., Nov. 1989). Sta- tistical estimation and optimal recovery. 215. STONE, C. (Aug. 1989, revised Dec. 1990). Asymptotics for doubly-flexible logspline response models. Ann. Statist., 1991, 1~9~, 1832-1854. 216. NOLAN, D. (August 1989). The excess mass ellipsoid. 217. FREEDMAN, D.A. (August 1989). Statistical models and shoe leather. Sociological Methodology 1991, 291-358. With discussion by R. Berk, H.M. Blalock and W. Mason. 218. BICKEL, P.J., NAIR, V.N. and WANG, P.C.C. (August 1989). Nonparametric inference under biased sampling from a finite population. 219. DALANG, R.C. and WALSH, J.B. (September 1989). The sharp Markov property of the brownian sheet and related processes. 220. BURMAN, P. and NOLAN, D. (Oct. 1989). Location-adaptive density estimation and nearest-neighbor distance. 221. LOW, M. (Oct. 1989). Non-existence of an adaptive estimator for the value of an unknown probability density. 222. LOW, M.G. (Oct. 1989). Invariance and rescaling of infinite dimensional Gaussian shift experiments. 223. LOW, M.G. (Oct. 1989). Lower bounds for the integrated risk in nonparametric density and regression estimation. 224 BREIMAN, L. and CUTLER, A. (Oct. 1989). A deterministic algorithm for global optimization. 225. LOW, M.G. (Oct. 1989). Local convergence of nonparametric density estimation problems to Gaussian shift experiments on a Hilbert space. 226. LEHMANN, E.L. (Oct. 1989). Model specification: The views of Fisher and Neyman, and later developments. Statist. Science 1990, 5~, 160-168. 227. GOLUBEV, G.K. and NUSSBAUM, M. (Nov. 1989). A risk bound in Sobolev class regression. 228. STARK, P.B. (Dec. 1990). Rigorous computer solutions of infinite-dimensional inverse problems. Inverse Methods in Action P.C. Sabatier, ed., Springer-Verlag. 462-467, 1990. 229. EVANS, S.N. and PERKINS, E. (December 1989). Measure-valued Markov branching processes conditioned on non-extinction. 230. EVANS, S.N. (December 1989). The entrance space of a measure-valued Markov branching process conditioned on non- extinction. 231. BREIMAN, L. (Dec. 1989, revised July 1990). The P-method for estimating multivariate functions from noisy data. Technometrics 1991. 232. SHAFFER, J.P. (December 1989). Probability of directional errors with disordinal (qualitative) interaction. Psychometrika, March 1991, 5~6~, 29-38. 233. BRODSKY, M. and PANAKHOV, E. (January 1990). Concerning a priori estimates of solution of the inverse logarithmic potential problem. Inverse Problems Vol. 6, No. 3, 321-330, 1990. 234. SHAFFER, J.P. (Jan. 1990, revised June 1991). The Gauss- Markov theorem and random regressors. American Statistician, November 1991, 4~5~, 269-273. 235. SPLAWA-NEYMAN, J. (January 1990). On the application of probability theory to agricultural experiments. Essay on principles by Jerzy Splawa-Neyman. (Roczniki Nauk. Bol. Tom. X (1922)). Translation from the Polish original of jf9 pp.29-42 by D.M. Dabrowska, edited by T.P. Speed. 236. DONOHO, D.L. and NUSSBAUM, M. (January 1990). Minimax qua- dratic estimation of a quadratic functional. Appeared Journal of Complexity, 290-323. September 1990. 237. DONOHO, D.L., JOHNSTONE, I.M., STERN, A.S. and HOCH, J.C. (January 1990). Does the maximum entropy method improve sensitivity? Appeared Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 5066- 5068. July 1990. 238. KOOPERBERG, C. and STONE, C.J. (Feb. 1990, revised Dec. 1990). A study of logspline density estimation. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 1991, 1~2~, 327-347. 239. HESSE, C.H. (March 1990). Hitting-time densities of a two- dimensional Markov process. 240. EVANS, S.N. (March 1990). Trapping a measure-valued Markov branching process conditioned on non-extinction. 241. YU, B. and SPEED, T.P. (March 1990). Stochastic complexity and model selection II. Histograms. 242. BICKEL, P.J. and MILLAR, P.W. (March 1990, revised May 1991). Uniform convergence of probability measures on classes of functions. 243. DALANG, R.C. and WALSH, J.B. (April 1990). The sharp Markov property of L'evy sheets. 244. BRILLINGER, D.R. (March 1990). Two reports on the analysis of spatially aggregate data: a) Mapping aggregate birth data. 77-83 in Analysis of Data in Time (Eds. A.C. Singh & P. Whitridge) Statistics Canada. b) Spatial-temporal modelling of spatially aggregate birth data. Survey Methodology J. 1991, 1~6~, 465-476. 245. ZHANG, P. (April 1990). Variable selection in non- parametric regression with continuous covariates. 246. BICKEL, P.J. and ZHANG, P. (April 1990). Variable selection in non-parametric regression with categorical covariates. 247. EVANS, S.N. (April 1990). Association and infinite divisi- bility for the wishart distribution and its diagonal marginals. 248. FREEDMAN, D.A., KLEIN, S., SACKS, J., EVERETT, C. and SMYTH, C. (April 1990). Ecological regression and voting rights. Evaluation Review A Journal of Applied Social Research 1991, Vol. 15, No. 6, 800-816. 249. DONOHO, D.L. and LOW, M.G. (May 1990). Renormalization exponents and optimal pointwise rates of convergence. 250. HESSE, C.H. (May 1990, revised May 1991). The one-sided barrier problem for an integrated Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. 251. HESSE, C.H. (May 1990). Rates of convergence for the empir- ical distribution function and the empirical characteristic function of a broad class of linear processes. To appear - J. Multivariate Anal. (Nov. 1990). 252. EVANS, S.N. (May 1990). Equivalence and perpendicularity of local field Gaussian measures. 253. SPEED, T.P. (May 1990). Introduction to ``The Arrangement of Field Experiments'' by R.A. Fisher ( J. Min. Agric. Gr. Br., 3~3~, 503-513; Collected Papers II, 3~8~: 83-94). 254. BRODSKY, M. (May 1990). Physically meaningful results on the uniqueness of inversion of Newtonian potential. 255. BICKEL, P.J. and RITOV, Y. (May 1990, rev. June 1994). Estimating linear functionals of a PET image. 256. BICKEL, P.J., RITOV, Y. and WELLNER, J.A. (May 1990). Same as No. 270. 257. ZHANG, P. (June 1990). Model selection via multi-fold cross validation. 258. BICKEL, P.J. and FAN, J. (June 1990). Some problems on the estimation of densities under shape restrictions. 259. DONOHO, D.L. and LOW, M.G. (June 1990). White noise approx- imation for sampled data. 260. YU, B. (June 1990). Rates of convergence and central limit theorems for empirical processes of stationary mixing sequences. 261. STARK, P.B. (July 1990). Inference in infinite-dimensional inverse problems: Discretization and duality. J. Geophys. Res. 9~7~, 14,055-14,082, 1992. 262. EVANS, S.N. (August 1990). Polar and non-polar sets for a tree indexed process. 263. LE CAM, L. (August 1990). Some recent results in the asymp- totic theory of statistical estimation. Proc. Internat. Congress of Mathematician. 1083-1090. Springer-Verlag, 1991. 264. BARLOW, M.T., EVANS, S.N., and PERKINS, E.A. (August 1990). Collision local times and measure-valued processes. 265. LE CAM, L. (August 1990). Some special results of measure theory. 266. BASAK, G.K. (August 1990). A class of limit theorems for singular diffusions. 267. BASAK, G.K. and BHATTACHARYA, R.N. (August 1990). Stability in distribution for a class of singular diffusions. 268. STONE, C.J. (August 1990). L2 rate of convergence for interaction spline regression. 269. LE CAM, L. (Sept. 1990, revised March 1992). An infinite dimensional convolution theorem. 270. BICKEL, P.J., RITOV, Y. and WELLNER, J.A. (Sept. 1990). Efficient estimation of linear functionals of a probability measure P with known marginal distributions. 271. DONOHO, D.L. and LOGAN, B.F. (September 1990). Signal recovery and the large sieve. 272. BICKEL, P.J. (October 1990). Some theory for the stringer bound of auditing practice. 273. BICKEL, P.J. (October 1990). Theoretical comparison of bootstrap t confidence bounds. 274. HESSE, C.H. (Oct. 1990, rev. Sept. 1992). On a stochastic model for particle sedimentation in fluids. 275. LOW, M.G. (Oct. 1990, revised Apr. 1992). Renormalizing upper and lower bounds for integrated risk in the white noise model. 276. KLEIN, S., SACKS, J. and FREEDMAN, D.A. (October 1990). Ecological regression versus the secret ballot. 277. GUERRA, R. and SPEED, T.P. (November 1990). Statistical methods for analyzing DNA-DNA hybridization data. 278. LEHMANN, E.L. and ROJO, J. (Nov. 1990, revised No. 1991). Invariant directional orderings. Accepted for publication in Annals of Statistics. 279. FREEDMAN, D.A. (December 1990). Adjusting the 1990 census. Science 31 May 1991, 2~5~2~, 1233-1236. 280. BJERVE, S. and DOKSUM, K. (Dec. 1990, revised Feb. 1991). Correlation curves: Measures of association as functions of covariate values. 281. DONOHO, D.L. and JOHNSTONE, I.M. (December 1990). Wavelets and optimal nonlinear function estimates. 282. DONOHO, D.L. (December 1990). Gel'fand n-widths and the method of least squares. 283. FAN, J. and BICKEL, P.J. (December 1990). Nonparametric density estimation: A piecewise maximum likelihood approach. 284. FREEDMAN, D.A and DIACONIS, P. (January 1991). Non- parametric binary regression: a Bayesian approach. To appear in Ann. Statist. 285. DONOHO, D.L. (January 1991). Super-resolution via sparsity constraints. 286. BRILLINGER, D.R. (January 1991). Some asymptotics of finite fourier transforms of a stationary p-adic process. J. Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 1991, 1~6~, 155-169. 287. BRILLINGER, D.R. and KAISER, R. (January 1991). Fourier and likelihood analysis in NMR spectroscopy. IMA Volume in Mathematics and Its Applications (Eds. D.R. Bril- linger, E. Parzen, M. Rosenblatt), Springer-Verlag, (1992). 288. SPEED, T.P. (January 1991). Contribution to the discussion of: ``Interpreting blocks and random factors'' by Myra L. Samuels, George Casella and George P. McCabe. 289. BRODSKY, M. and STZAKHOV, V.N. (January 1991). On the uniqueness of determination of a polyhedron by its edges with applications to the inverse potential problem. Interna- tional Journ. of Imaging Systems and Technology 1991, Vol. 3, 262-268. 290. SPEED, T.P. (January 1991). Notes towards a critique of methods of estimating bias and variance in undercount esti- mates. 291. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D.A. (February 1991). Non- parametric binary regression with unbalanced data. 292. STARK, P.B. (February 1992). Minimax confidence intervals in geomagnetism. Geophys. J. Intl. 108 329-338, 1992. 293. GELMAN, A. and MENG, X-L. (February 1991). A note on bivariate distributions that are conditionally normal. The American Statistician May, 1991. 294. GELMAN, A. and SPEED, T. (February 1991). Charactering a joint probability density by its conditional densities. J.R.S.S. B 1993. 295. STARK, P.B. (March 1992). Affine minimax confidence inter- vals for a bounded normal mean. Statistics and Probability Letters 13 39-44, 1992. 296. LOW, M.G. (April 1991). Renormalization and white noise approximation for nonparametric functional estimation problems. 297. KLASS, M.J. (April 1991, rev. May 1992). Ratio prophet ine- qualities for convex functions of partial sums. 298. PERMAN, M., PITMAN, J.W. and YOR, M. (April 1991). Size biased sampling of Poisson point processes and excursions. 299. BERAN, R. (April 1991). Prediction in random coefficient regression. 300. OH, M.-S. and BERGER, J.O. (May 1991). Integration of Mul- timodal Functions by Monte Carlo Importance Sampling. 301. NGUYEN, T and SPEED, T.P. (May 1991). A derivation of all linear invariants for a non-balanced transversion model. 302. EVANS, S.N. and SPEED, T.P. (June 1991). Invariants of some probability models used in phylogenetic inference. 303. EVANS, S.N. (June 1991). Local field Brownian motion. 304. YU, Bin, and SPEED, T.P. (July 1991). Data Compression and Histograms. 305. GELMAN, A. and RUBIN, D.B. (July 1991). A single series from the gibbs sampler provides a false sense of security. Bayesian Statistics 1992, 4~, J. Bernardo, ed. 306. FREEDMAN, D.A. and NAVIDI, W.C. (June 1991). Should we have adjusted the census of 1980? To appear in Survey Methodology. 307. GELMAN, A. and RUBIN, D.B. (July 1991, revised June 1992). Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences. To appear Statistical Science with discussion, Nov., 1992. 308. SPEED, T.P., MCPEEK, M.S. and EVANS, S.N. (July 1991). A robustness property of the no-interference model for ordering genetic markers. 309. DONATI-MARTIN, C. and YOR, M. (July 1991, rev. July 1992). On some examples of quadratic functionals of Brownian motion. 310. YOR, M. (August 1991). On some exponential functionals of Brownian motion. 311. NOLAN, D. and SEILLIER, F. (Aug. 1991, revised Dec. 1991). Assessing sequential forecasts: The continuous case. 312. NOLAN, D. (Aug. 1991, revised Dec. 1991). Functional limit theorems for probability forecasts. 313. NOLAN, D. (Aug. 1991, revised Feb. 1992). Women in statis- tics in academe: Mentors matter. 314. DONATI-MARTIN, C., SONG, S. and YOR, M. (August 1991). Sym- metric stable processes and Fubini's theorem. 315. DONATI-MARTIN, C., SONG, S. and YOR, M. (August 1991). On symmetric stable random variables and matrix transposition. 316. RAJEEV, B. and YOR, M. (Aug. 1991, rev. Aug. 1992). Local times and almost sure convergence of semi-martingales. 317. STONE, C.J. (August 1991. A revision of T.R. No. 268). Multivariate regression splines. 318. STONE, C.J. (August 1991). Generalized multivariate regres- sion splines. 319. STONE, C.J. (August 1991). Multivariate log-spline models. 320. STONE, C.J. (August 1991). Multivariate log-spline condi- tional models. 321. DABROWSKA, D.M., DOKSUM, K.A., FEDUSKA, N.J., HUSING, R. and NEVILLE, P. (Aug. 1991, revised Feb. 1992). Methods for comparing cumulative hazard functions in a semi- proportional hazard model. 322. STARK, P.B. and HENGARTNER, N.W. (Sept. 1991, rev. Aug. 1992). Reproducing Earth's kernel: Uncertainty of the shape of the core-mantle boundary from PKPP and PcP travel-times. Journal of Geophysical Research 9~8~, 1957-1972, 1993. 323. BRILLINGER, D.R. (September 1991). Nerve cell spike train data analysis: a progression of technique. J. American Statistical Assoc. 1992, 8~7~, 260-271. 324. BREIMAN, L. (September 1991). Hinging hyperplanes for regression, classification, and function approximation. To be published IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. 325. WANG, Y. (September 1991). Contributions to the theory of estimation of monotone and unimodal densities. 326. BERAN, R. and MILLAR, P.W. (Sept. 1991, rev. Nov. 1993). Minimum distance estimation in random coefficient regression models. 327. BALL, F.G. and RICE, J.A. (October 1991). Stochastic models for ion channels: Introduction and Bibliography. 328. BRILLINGER, D.R. (October 1991). Locally weighted analysis of spatially aggregate birth data: uncertainty estimation and display. Symposium 91, Spatial Issues in Statistics Statistics Canada, Ottawa (1992). 329. BRODSKY, M. and VORONTSOV, S.V. (Nov. 1991, revised Feb. 1992). Asymptotic theory of intermediate- and high-degree solar acoustic oscillations. Submitted to Astrophysical Journal. 330. DOKSUM, K.A. (November 1991). An extension of the Galton- Pearson correlation coefficient to the nonlinear case. Nonparametric Statist. and Related Topics (1992). A.K.M.d.E. Saleh ed. Elsevier. 331. Zhang, Y. (November 1991). The L'evy laplacian and the brownian particles in hilbert spaces. 332. LECAM, L. (Dec. 1991, revised Aug. 1992). Stochastic models of lesions induction and repair in yeast. 333. LEHMANN, E.L. (Jan. 1992, rev. Jan. 1993). The Fisher, Neyman-Pearson theories of testing hypotheses: One theory or two? 334. FREEDMAN, D.A., GOLD, L.S. and SLONE, T.H. (January 1992). How tautological are inter-species correlations of carcinogenic potencies? 335. EVANS, S.N. (February 1992). Two representations of a con- ditioned superprocess. 336. TRUONG, Y.K. and STONE, C.J. (February 1992). Semi- parametric time series regression. 337. VAN DER LAAN, M.J. (February 1992). Efficient estimator of the bivariate survival function for right censored data. 338. FREDKIN, D.R. and RICE, J.A. (February 1992). Maximum likelihood estimation and identification directly from single-channel recordings. 339. DUMBGEN, L. (May 1992). On nondifferentiable functions and the bootstrap. Probab. Theory and Relat. Fields 9~5~, 125- 140. 340. BERAN, R. (March 1992). Semiparametric random coefficient regression models. 341. HENGARTNER, N.W. and STARK, P.B. (March 1992, revised Sept. 1992). Conservative finite-sample confidence envelopes for monotone and unimodal densities. 342. PULLIAM, R.J. and STARK, P.B. (Dec. 1992). Bumps on the core-mantle boundary: Are they facts or artifacts? Journal of Geophysical Research 9~8~, 1943-1956, 1993. 343. PITMAN, J.W. (May 1992). Partially exchangeable random par- titions. 344. PITMAN, J.W. (June 1992). Random discrete distributions invariant under size-biased permutation. 345. PITMAN, J.W. (May 1992). The two parameter generalization of Ewens' random partition structure. 346. PITMAN, J.W. (May 1992). Partition structures derived from Brownian motion and stable subordinators. 347. GELMAN, A. (May 1992). Iterative and non-iterative simula- tion algorithms. In Proceedings of the 1992 Interface Conference. 348. ZHANG, Y. (May 1992). Analysis on Wiener space. 349. GELMAN, A. (May 1992). Statistical analysis of a medical imaging experiment. 350. BERTOIN, J. and PITMAN, J.W. (June 1992). Path transforma- tions connecting Brownian bridge, excursion and meander. 351. GANDOLFI, A. and KESTEN, H. (June 1992). Greedy lattice animals I: Upper bounds, II: Linear growth. 352. HENGARTNER, N.W. and STARK, P.B. (June 1992). Confidence bounds on the probability density of aftershocks. 353. NIKOLAYEV, D.I. and STARK, P.B. (June 1992). Toward tubular tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research 9~8~, 8095-8106, 1993. 354. BRILLINGER, D.R (June 1992). Two reports: a) The digitial rainbow: some history and applications of numerical spectrum analysis b) An application of statistics to seismology: Dispersion and modes. 355. EVANS, S.N. (June 1992). Multiplicities of a random sausage. 356. FREEDMAN, D., WACHTER, K., CUTLER, R. and KLEIN, S. (1992a). Adjusting the census of 1990: loss functions. 357. FREEDMAN, D., WACHTER, K., CUTLER, R. and KLEIN, S. (1992b). Adjusting the census of 1990: the smoothing model. 358. CUTLER, R. COSTER, D. and FREEDMAN, D. (1992). Alternative models for smoothing the adjustment factors. 359. STONE, C.J. (June 1992). The use of polynomial splines and their tensor products in multivariate function estimation. 360. PULLIAM, R.J. and JOHNSON, L.R. (July 1992). A progressive inversion scheme for three-dimensional imaging of seismic velocities in Earth's mantle. 361. PULLIAM, R.J., VASCO, D.W. and JOHNSON, L.R. (July 1992). A simultaneous, tomographic inversion of ISC travel time residuals for mantle P velocity, source mislocations, and sta- tion corrections. 362. HANSEN, M. and WACHTER, K. (July 1992). Report on CAT experiments. 363. GELMAN, A. (July 1992). Who needs Data? Restricting image models by pure thought. 364. DUMBGEN, L. (July 1992, rev. Mar. 1993). Confidence sets for a changepoint via randomization methods. 365. GOUGH, D.O. and STARK, P.B. (July 1992). Are the 1986-1988 changes in solar free-oscillation splitting significant? Ap. J., 4~1~5~, 376-382, 1993. 366. YOR, M. (August 1992). Further results on exponential func- tionals of Brownian motion. 367. BREIMAN, L. (August 1992, revised June 1994). Stacked regressions. 368. KLASS, M. and PITMAN, J. (September 1992). Limit laws for Brownian motion conditioned to reach a high level. 369. ALDOUS, D. and PITMAN, J. (September 1992). Brownian bridge asymptotics for random mappings. 370. FITZSIMMONS, P., PITMAN, J. and YOR, M. (September 1992). Markovian bridges: construction, Palm interpretation, and splicing. To appear in Seminar on Stochastic Processes, 1992, Birkha"user. 371. STARK, P.B. (October 1992). The cosmic microwave background and Earth's core-mantle boundary: A tale of two CMBs. 372. GELMAN, A., MENG, X.-L. and STERN, H.S. (October 1992). Bayesian tests for goodness of fit using tail area probabili- ties. 373. BARSKY, D. and GANDOLFI, A. (Oct. 1992, April 1993). A gen- eralized maximum pseudo-likelihood estimator for Markov ran- dom fields with noise, I: General theory. 374. GANDOLFI, A., NEWMAN, C.M. and STEIN, D.L. (October 1992). Exotic states in long-range spin glasses. 375. BERAN, R. (October 1992). Stein estimation in high dimen- sions and the boot trap. 376. DOKSUM, K. and NORMAND, S.-L. (October 1992). Nonparametric analysis of immune system markers in the HIV epidemic. Was there a change in the AIDS epidemic in 1987? 377. EVANS, S.N. and O'CONNELL, N. (October 1992). Weighted occupation times for branching particle systems and a representation for the supercritical superprocess. 378. PULLIAM, R.J. and JOHNSON, L.R. (December 1992). How much of the geoid can be explained by the upper mantle alone? 379. CUTLER, A. and BREIMAN, L. (revised October 1993). Arche- typal analysis. 380. STARK, P.B. (December 1992). Uncertainty of the COBE qua- drupole detection. Ap. J. Lett., 4~0~8~, L73, 1993. 381. FREEDMAN, D.A. (January 1993). Local heterogeneity and census adjustment. 382. BRILLINGER, D.R. (February 1993). Two reports on higher- order moments: a) Moments, cumulants and some applications to stationary random processes. b) Distributions of particle displacements via higher-order moment functions. 383. BICKEL, P.J. and RITOV, Y. (February 1994). Inference in hidden Markov models I local asymptotic normality in the sta- tionary case. 384. FREEDMAN, D.A. and KLEIN, S.P. (April 1993). Ecological regression in voting rights cases. 385. FREEDMAN, D.A. (April 1993). Adjusting the census of 1990. 386. STARK, P.B., HERRON, M.M. and MATTESON, A. (April 1993). Empirically minimax affine mineralogy estimates from Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy data using a decimated wavelet basis. Applied Spectroscopy, 4~7~, 1820-1829, 1993. 387. DOKSUM, K., BLYTH, S., BRADLOW, E., MENG, X.L., and ZHAO, H. (April 1993). Correlation curves as local measures of variance explained by regression. 388. KOOPERBERG,C. and STONE, C. (April 1993). Hazard estimation with flexible tails. 389. KOOPERBERG,C., STONE, C. and TRUONG, Y.K. (April 1993). Hazard regression. 390. KOOPERBERG,C., STONE, C. and TRUONG, Y.K. (April 1993). The L2 Rate of convergence for hazard regression. 391. FREDKIN, D.R. and RICE, J.A. (May 1993). Density estimation and the analysis of ion channel recordings. 392. PULLIAM, R.J. and STARK, P.B. (June 1993). Confidence regions for mantle heterogeneity. 393. LECAM, L. (July 1993). On the variance of estimates with prescribed expectations. 394. STARK, P.B. PARKER, R.L. (July 1993). Bounded-variable least-squares: an Algorithm and Applications. 395. KOOPERBERG, C., STONE, C.J. and TRUONG, Y.K. (July 1993). Logspline estimation of a possibly mixed spectral distribu- tion. 396. KOOPERBERG, C., STONE, C.J. and TRUONG, Y.K. (July 1993). Rate of convergence for logspline spectral density estima- tion. 397. BRILLINGER, D.R. (July 1993). Trend analysis: Time series and point process problems. 398. CARMONA, Ph., PETIT, F. and YOR, M. (August 1993). Some extensions of the arc sine law as (partial) consequences of the scaling property of Brownian motion. 399. HENGARTNER, N.W. and STARK, P.B. (August 1993). Finite- sample confidence envelopes for shape-restricted densities. 400. DOKSUM, K., GOULD, J., HAMMARSTRAND, R., MATHUR, A. and VIT- TINGHOFF, E. (August 1993). An analysis of socioeconomic and vital statistics using nonparametric smooth- ers. 401. BRILLINGER, D.R. (August 1993) Time series, point processes and hybrids. 402. BRILLINGER, D.R. (September 1993). Examples of scientific problems and data analyses in demography, neurophysiology and seismology. 403. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D.A. (September 1993). Con- sistency of Bayes estimates for nonparametric regression: a review. 404. YU, B. (October 1993). Assouad, Fano, and Le Cam. 405. BREIMAN, L. (November 1993). Better subset regression using the non-negative garotte. 406. GENOVESE, C.R., STARK, P.B. and THOMPSON, M.J. (November 1993). Uncertainties for two-dimensional models of solar rotation from helioseismic eigenfrequency splitting. 407. BRILLINGER, D.R. (December 1993). Two Reports a) Some examples of the use of the Fourier Transform in the analysis of scientific data b) A note on River Wavelets. 408. FREEDMAN, D.A. (January 1994). >From association to causa- tion via regression. 409. YU, B. (February 1994). Estimating L1 error of the kernel estimator based on Markov samplers. 410. BREIMAN, L. (March 1994). Some properties of splitting cri- teria. 411. BENJAMINI, Y. and STARK, P. (July 1994). Variable-length simultaneous confidence intervals from non-equivariant hyperrectangular tests. 412. DOKSUM, K. and FRODA, S. (April 1994). Neighbourhood `correlation ratio' curves. 413. YU, B. and MYKLAND, P. (April 1994). Looking at Markov samplers through Cusum path plots: a simple diagnostic idea. 414. DIACONIS, P. and FREEDMAN, D.A. (May 1994). Consistency of Bayes estimates for nonparametric regression: normal theory. 415. BRILLINGER, D.R. (June 1994). Some asymptotics of wavelet fits in the stationary error case. 416. BREIMAN, L. (June 1994). Heuristics of instability and sta- bilization in model selection. 417. STARK, P.B. (August 1994). Simultaneous confidence inter- vals for Backus-Gilbert estimates of linear functionals. 418. FREEDMAN, D.A. (August 1994). Some issues in the foundation of statistics. 419. BICKEL, P.J., GOETZE, F. and VAN ZWET, W.R. (August 1994). Resampling fewer than $n$ observations: Gains, losses, and remedies for losses. 420. BREIMAN, L. and FRIEDMAN, J.H. (August 1994). Predicting multivariate responses in multiple linear regression. 421. BREIMAN, L. (September 1994). Bagging predictors. 422. BUHLMANN, Peter (October 1994). Locally Adaptive Lag-Window Spectral Estimation. 423. BUHLMANN, Peter (January 1995). Moving-Average Representa- tion of Autoregressive Approximations. 424. SHIBATA, Ritei (January 1995). Bootstrap Estimate of Kullback-Leibler Information for Model Selection. 425. PITMAN, Jim (Draft March 1995). Cyclically Stationary Brownian Local Time Processes. 426. EVANS, S.N., and STARK, P.B. (March 1995). Shrinkage esti- mators, Skorokhod's problem, and stochastic integration by parts. 427. PITMAN, Jim (June 1995). Kac's Moment Formula for Additive Functionals of a Markov Process. 428. OVERBECK, L. (January 1995). Superprocesses and McKean- Vlasov equations with creation of mass. 429. OVERBECK, L. (January 1995). Non-linear superprocesses. 430. OVERBECK, L. (January 1995). Large deviations from the McKean-Vlasov limit for super-Browian motion with mean-field interaction. 431. BUHLMANN, P. (April 1995). Sieve Bootstrap for Time Series. 432. DETTE, Holger, PITMAN, Jim, STUDDEN, William J. (May 1995). A New Duality Relation for Random Walks. 433. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (July 1995). The two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution derived from a stable subordi- nator. 434. SHIBATA, Ritei (July 1995). Decomposition of Japanese Yen Interest Rate Data Through Local Regression. 435. FREEDMAN, David and WANG, William S-Y (1 August 1995). Language Polygenesis: A Probabilistic Model. 436. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (August 1995). Random Discrete Distributions Derived from Self-similar Random Sets. 437. STONE, Charles J. HANSEN, Mark, KOOPERBERG, Charles, TRUONG, Young, K. (23 August 1995). Polynomial splines and their tensor products in extended linear modeling. 438. PITMAN, J. and YOR, Mar (August 1995). Some Conditional Expectations Given an Average of a Stationary or Self-similar Process. 439. FREEDMAN, David (August 1995). 440. BICKEL, Peter J. and BUHLMANN, Peter (September 1995). 441. EVANS, S. N. and FLEISCHMANN, K. (August 1995). Cluster formation in a stepping stone model with continuous, hierarchically structured sites. 442. EVANS, S. N. (October 1995). Coalescing Markov labelled partitions and a continuous sites genetics model with infin- itely many types. 443. GENOVESE, C.R. and STARK, P. B. (October 1995). Data Reduction and Statistical Inconsistency of l_p Misfit Norms in Linear Inverse Problems. 444. EVANS, Steven N. and PITMAN, Jim (December 1995). Stopped Markov chains with stationary occupation times. 445. POLONIK, Wolfgang (December 1995). The silhouette, concen- tration functions, and ML-density estimation under order res- trictions. 446. FREEDMAN, David F. and GOLD, Lois S. and LIN, Tony H. (Janu- ary 1996). Concordance in Bioassays. 447. BUHLMANN, Peter (January 1996). Confidence Regions for Trends in Time Series: a Simultaneous Approach with a Sieve Bootstrap. a Sieve Bootstrap 448. YU, Bin and SPEED, Terry (January 1996). Information and the Clone mappying of Chromosomes. 449. YU, Bin (January 1996). A Statistical Analysis of Adaptive Scalar Quantization based on Quantized Post Data. 450. STARK, Philip B (February 1996). ``Geophysics, Statistics in.'' 451. HUANG, Jianhua (February 1996). Projection estimation in multiple regression with application to functional ANOVA models. 452. PITMAN, Jim (March 1996). Some probabilistic aspects of set partitions. 453. PITMAN, Jim (March 1996). Probabilistic bounds on the coeffi- cients of polynomials with only real zeros. 454. BROMAN, Karl, SPEED, Terry and TIGGES, Michael (March 1996). Estimation of antigen-responsive T-cell frequencies in PBMC from human subjects. 455. FREEDMAN, David and WACHTER, Kenneth (March 1996). Census 2000. 456. FREEDMAN, David (March 1996). DE FINETTI'S THEOREM IN CON- TINUOUS TIME. 457. PITMAN, Jim (April 1996). Coalescent Random Forests. 458. HUANG, Jianhua (April 1996). FUNCTIONAL ANOVA MODELS FOR GENERALIZED REGRESSION. 459. RICE, John (April 1996). 460. BREIMAN, Leo (April 1996). Bias, variance, and arcing clas- sifiers. 461. DOKSUM, Kjell, CHAUDHURI, Probal, SAMAROV, Alexander (April 1996). On Average Derivative Quantile Regression. 462. BICKEL, Peter J. and BUHLMANN, Peter (June 1996). Closure for Linear Processes. 463. BUHLMANN, Peter (June 1996). Empirical Modeling of Extreme Events from Return-Volume Time Series in Stock Market. 464. BENJAMINI, Y., HOCHBERG, Y. and STARK, P.B. (July 1996). One-sided versus two-sided confidence intervals: a third way out. 465. EVANS, Steven N. and PITMAN, Jim (July 1996). "Construction of Markovian Coalescents". 466. WYNER, Abraham J. (August 1996). More on Recurrence and Waiting Times. 467. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (August 1996). "Laplace Transforms related to excursions of a one-dimensional diffu- sion". 468. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (August 1996). "Some extensions of Knight's identity for Brownian motion". 469. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (August 1996). "On the relative lengths of excursions derived from a stable subordinator". 470. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (August 1996). "On the lengths of excursions of some Markov processes". 471. JEANBLANC, M. and PITMAN, J. and YOR, M. (August 1996). "Feynman-Kac's formula and decomposition of Brownian paths". 472. PETTY, Karl, BICKEL, Peter, JIANG, Jiming, OSTLAND, Michael, RICE, John, RITOV, Ya'cov, SCHOENBERG, Frederic (August 1996). "Accurate estimation of travel times from single-loop detectors". 473. HUNG, Jianhua and STONE, Charles J. (September 1996). The $L_2$ Rate of Convergence for Event History Regression with Time-Dependent Covariates. 474. BRUMBACK, Babette A. and RICE, John (November 1996). Smoothing spline models for the analysis of nested and crossed samples of curves. 475. YU, Bin (November 1996). 476. BICKEL, Peter J. and REN, Jian-Jian (May 1996). ON THOICE OF m FOR THE m OUT OF n BOOTSTRAP IN HYPOTHESIS TESTING. 477. FREEDMAN, David (January 1997). Commentary on Teaching Bayes Statistics. 478. EVANS, Steven (January 1997). Infinitely-many-species Lotka-Volterra equations arising from systems of coalescing masses. 479. BUHLMANN, Peter and WYNER, Adi J. (January 1997). Variable length Markov chains. 480. STARK, P.B. (February 1997). Earthquake Prediction: The Null Hypothesis. 481. ALDOUS, D.J. and PITMAN, J. (February 1997). Tree-valued Markov Chains Derived from Galton-Watson Processes. 482. PITMAN, Jim (February 1997). Enumerations of trees and forests related to branching processes and random walks. 483. OSTLAND, Michael and YU, Bin (May 1997). Exploring Quasi Monte Carlo for Marginal Density Approximation. 484. FREEDMAN, David A. (June 1997). Planning for the Census in the Year 2000: An Update. 485. RICE, John A. and FREDKIN, Donald R. (June 1997). Fast evaluation of the likelihood of an HMM: ion channel currents with filtering and colored noise. 486. BREIMAN, Leo (June 1997). Arcing the Edge. 487. RICE, J.A., SERVICE, S.K. and CHAVES, F.P. (July 1997). Interactions among physical and biological variables during the upwelling period in Monterey Bay, CA. 488. EVANS, Steven N. and PITMAN, Jim (July 1997). Stationary Markov processes related to stable Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and the additive coalescent. 489. ALDOUS, David and PITMAN, Jim (July 1997). The Standard Additive Coalescent. 490. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (August 1997). Random Brownian Scaling Identities and Splicing of Bessel Processes. 491. EVANS, Steven N. and PERKINS, Edwin A. (September 1997). Collision local times, historical stochastic calculus, and competing superprocesses. 492. FREEDMAN, David and DIACONIS, Persi. (September 1997). On the Bernstein-von Mises Theorem with Infinite Dimensional Parameters. 493. DARLING, R.W.R. (October 1997). Intrinsic Location Parame- ter of a Diffusion Process. 494. DARLING, R.W.R (October 1997). Geometrically Intrinsic Nonlinear Recursive Filters I: Algorithms. 495. PITMAN, Jim (October 1997). Coalescents with multiple col- lisions. 496. SCHOENBERG, Frederic (November 1997). Transforming spatial point processes into Poisson processes. 497. FREEDMAN, David and DIACONIS, Persi (November 1997). On the hit and run process. 498. PITMAN, Jim (November 1997). Abel-Cayley-Hurwitz multino- mial expansions associated with random mappings, forests, and subsets. 499. PITMAN, Jim (November 1997). The multinomial distribution on rooted labeled forests. 500. PITMAN, Jim (November 1997). Asymptotic behavior of the Hurwitz binomial distribution. 501. FREEDMAN, David and DIACONIS, Persi (November 1997). On Markov chains with continuous state space. 502. EVANS, Steve (December 1997). Random spanning trees of Cay- ley graphs and an associated compactification of semigroups. 503. PITMAN, Jim (December 1997). The SDE solved by local times of a Brownian excursion or bridge derived from the height profile of a random tree or forest. 504. BREIMAN, Leo (December 1997). PREDICTION GAMES AND ARCING ALGORITHMS. 505. EVANS, Steve and PERES, Yuval (January 1998). Eventual intersection for sequences of L'evy processes. 506. DARLING, R.W.R. and HOLT, Tim (January 1998). "Genetic models with reduced penetrance related to the Y chromosome." (to appear in Biometrics) 507. EVANS, S.N. and WILLIAMS, R.J. (January 1998). Transition operators of diffusions reduce zero-crossing. 508. JORDAN, M. and GHAHRAMANI, Zoubin and JAAKKOLA, Tommi S. and SAUL, Lawrence K. (January 1998). An Introduction to Varia- 509. ALDOUS, David and EVANS, Steven N. (February 1998). Diri- chlet forms on totally disconnected spaces and bipartite Mar- kov chains. 510. SHAFFER, Juliet P. (February 1998). A Semi-Bayesian Study of Duncan's Bayesian Multiple Comparison Procedure. 511. FREEDMAN, David A.and DIACONIS, Persi (March 1998). Iterated Random Functions. 512. RICHARD, R.W.R. (March 1998. Geometrically Intrinsic Non- linear Recursive Filters II: Foundations. 513. BREIMAN, Leo (March 1998). Using Convex Pseudo-data to Increase Prediction Accuracy 514. FREEDMAN, David A. and HUMPHREYS, Paul. (March 1998). Rejoinder to Korb and Wallace, and to Spirtes, Glymour, and Scheines. 515. FREEDMAN, D.A., KLEIN, S.P., OSTLAND, M. and ROBERTS, M. (April 1998). Three "Solutions" to the Ecological Inference Problem. 516. NAHUM, Ezra (April 1998). On the distribution of the supremum of the sum of a brownian motion with drift and a marked point process, and the pricing of lookback options. 517. STONE, Charles J., HUNG, Jianhua Z. and TRUONG, Young K. (April 1998). Functional ANOVA Modeling for Proportional Hazards Regression. 518. BREIMAN, Leo (May 1998). RANDOMIZING OUTPUTS TO INCREASE PREDICTION ACCURACY. 519. EVANS, Steven N. and ZHOU, Xiaowen. (May 1998). Construct- ing and counting phylogenetic invariants. 520. PITMAN, Jim and HANSEN, Ben. (May 1998). "Prediction rules for exchangeable sequences related to species sampling." 521. FREEDMAN, David. (June 1998). From Association to Causa- tion: Some Remarks on the History of Statistics. 522. RICE, John and WU, Colin. (June 1998). Nonparametric mixed effects models for unequally sampled noisy curves. 523. PITMAN, J. and CAMARRI, M. (June 1998). Limit distributions and random trees derived from the birthday problem with unequal probabilities. 524. PITMAN, J. and CAMARRI, M. (June 1998). Asymptotics for k- fold repeats in the birthday problem with unequal probabili- ties. 525. ALDOUS, D. and PITMAN, J. (June 1998). Inhomogeneous con- tinuum random trees and the entrance boundary of the additive coalescent. 526. ALDOUS, D. and PITMAN, J. (June 1998). A family of random trees with random edge lengths. 527. DUDOIT, Sandrine and SPEED, Terence P. (July 1998). TRIANGLE CONSTRAINTS FOR SIB-PAIR IDENTITY BY DESCENT PROBABILITIES UNDER A GENERAL MULTILOCUS MODEL FOR DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY. 528. DUDOIT, Sandrine and SPEED, Terence P. (July 1998). A SCORE TEST FOR LINKAGE USING IDENTITY BY DESCENT DATA FROM SIB- SHIPS. 529. SAKOV, Anat and BICKEL, Peter J. (July 1998). An Edgeworth expansion for the m out of n bootstrapped median. 530. BICKEL, P.J. and RITOV, Ya'acov (Hebrew University), and STOKER, T. (Sloan School, MIT) (August 1998). Testing and the Method of Sieves" 531. EVANS, Steven N. (August 1998). Kingman's coalescent as a random metric space. 532. PITMAN, J. and YOR, Marc (August 1998). Path decomposi- tions of a Brownian bridge related to the ratio of its max- imum and amplitude 533. STONE, C.J. and KOOPERBERG, C. (August 1998) Stochastic optimization methods for fitting polyclass and feed-forward neural network models. Submitted to Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 534. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (September 1998). The law of the maximum of a Bessel bridge. 535. BREIMAN, Leo (September 1998). Half&Half Bagging and Hard Boundary Points. 536. RICE, John and NEWMAN, Ken (October 1998). Modeling the Survival of Chinook Salmon Smolts Outmigrating Through the Lower Sacramento River System. 537. FREEDMAN, David A., Lawrence D. Brown, Morris L. Eaton, Stephen P. Klein, Richard A. Olshen, Kenneth W. Wachter, Mar- tin T. Wells, and Donald Ylvisaker. (October 1998). Sta- tistical Controversies in Census 2000. 538. GE, Zhiyu (Gary), Peter J. Bickel, and John A. Rice (October 1998). The Histogram Method for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models. 539. PITMAN, Jim (November 1998). The distribution of local times of a Brownian bridge. 540. EVANS, Steven N., Peter Donnelly, K. Fleischmann, T.G. Kurtz, and X. Zhou (November 1998). Continuum--sites stepping--stone models, coalescing exchangeable partitions, and random trees. 541. LEHMANN, Erich L. (January 1999). 'Student' and Small- Sample Theory. 542. EZRA, Nahum (February 1999). Approximating the discrete maximum of a Brownian motion using the Brownian meander. 543. EZRA, Nahum (February 1999). The Pricing of Options Depending on a Discrete Maximum. 544. EVANS, Steve and Xiaowen Zhou (February 1999). Identifia- bility of exchangeable sequences with identically distributed partial sums. 545. PITMAN, Jim (February 1999). Brownian motion, bridge, excursion, and meander characterized by sampling at indepen- dent uniform times. 546. FREEDMAN, David A. and Philip B. Stark (FEBRUARY 1999). The swine flu vaccine and Guillain-Barr'e syndrome: a case study in relative risk and specific causation. 547. BREIMAN, Leo (February 1999). Using Adaptive Bagging to Debias Regressions. 548. GAT, Yoram (March 1999). A bound concerning the generali- zation ability of a certain class of learning algorithms. 549. FREEDMAN, David (March 1999). Ecological inference and the ecological fallacy. 550. STARK, Philip (March 1999). Differences between the 1990 and 2000 Census Adjustment Plans, and their Impact on Error. 551. PITMAN, Jim (March 1999). A Lattice path model for the Bessel polynomials. 552. STARK, Philip (April 1999). Inverse Problems as Statistics. 553. PITMAN, Jim and BERTOIN, Jean and RUIZ de CHAVEZ, Juan (April 1999). Constructions of a Brownian path with a given minimum. 554. PITMAN, Jim and ISMAIL, Mourad E.H. (April 1999). Algebraic evaluations of some Euler integrals, duplication formulae for Appell's hypergeometric function $F_1$, and Brownian varia- tions. 555. EVANS, Steve (April 1999). Snakes and spiders: Brownian motion on R-trees 556. DUDOIT, Sandrine and SPEED, Terry (April 1999). A score test for the linkage analysis of qualitative and quantitative traits based on identity by descent data on sib-pairs. 557. FREEDMAN, D.A., STARK, P.B., and WACHTER, K.W. (April 1999). A model for correlation bias, heterogeneity, and ratio esti- mator bias in census adjustment. 558. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (April 1999). Some properties of the arc sine law related to its invariance under a family of rational maps. 559. OSTLAND, M., K.F. Petty, P.J. Bickel, J. Kwon, and J. Rice (June 1999). A new methodology for evaluating incident detec- tion algorithms. 560. PITMAN, Jim and STANLEY, Richard (June 1999). A polytope related to empirical distributions, plane trees, parking functions, and the associahedron. 561. EVANS, Steven (July 1999). Stochastic billiards on general tables. 562. RICE, John, P. HALL and J. Reimann (July 1999). Non- parametric estimation of a periodic function. 563. PITMAN, Jim, and YOR, Marc (August 1999). On the distribu- tion of ranked heights of excursions of a Brownian bridge. 564. PITMAN, Jim, PEMANTLE, Robin, PERES, Yuval and YOR, Marc (August 1999). Where Did The Brownian Particle Go? 565. EVANS, Steve (August 1999). Right inverses of L'evy processes and stationary stopped local times. 566. PITMAN, Jim and BERTOIN, Jean (September 1999). Two coalescents derived from the ranges of stable subordinators. 567. BREIMAN, Leo (September 1999). Random Forests-Random Features. 568. SCHWEINSBERG, Jason (September 1999). A necessary and sufficient condition for the Lambda-coalescent to come down from infinity. 569. PITMAN, Jim, BIANE, Philippe and YOR, Marc (September 1999). Probability laws related to the Jacobi theta and Riemann zeta functions, and Brownian excursions. 570. FREEDMAN, David and WACHTER, Ken W. (December 1999). The fifth cell. 571. SCHWEINSBERG, Jason (January 2000). Coalescents with simultaneous multiple collisions. 572. SCHWEINSBERG, Jason (March 2000). An O(n^2) bound for the relaxation time of a Markov chain on cladograms. 573. FREEDMAN, David (March 2000). The Health Effects of Salt: A Review. 574. EVANS, Steve and Persi Diaconis (March 2000). Immanants and finite point processes. 575. GAT, Yoram (March 2000). Generalization bounds for incre- mental search classification algorithms. 576. DUDOIT, Sandrine, Jane Fridlyand and Terence P. Speed (June 2000). Comparison of Discrimination Methods for the Classifi- cation of Tumors Using Gene Expression Data. 577. EVANS, Steven, Persi Diaconis (June 2000). Linear function- als of eigenvalues of random matrices. 578. DUDOIT, Sandrine, Yee Hwa Yang, Matthew J. Callow, and Ter- ence P. Speed (August 2000). Statistical methods for identi- fying differentially expressed genes in replicated cDNA microarray experiments. 579. BREIMAN, Leo (August 2000). Some Infinity Theory for Pred- ictor Ensembles. 580. EVANS, Steven (September 2000). Local field U-statistics. 581. PITMAN, Jim and YOR, Marc (October 2000). Infinitely divisible laws associated with hyperbolic functions. 582. FREEDMAN, David and STARK, Philip (November 2000). THE SWINE FLU VACCINE AND GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROME: A CASE STUDY IN RELATIVE RISK AND SPECIFIC CAUSATION. 583. SCHWEINSBERG, Jason (November 2000). Applications of the continuous-time ballot theorem to Brownian motion and related processes. 584. YANG, Yee Hwa, Michael J. Buckley, Sandrine Dudoit and Terence P. Speed (November 2000). Comparison of methods for image analysis on cDNA microarray data. 585. SPEED, Terry (January 2001). 586. SPEED, Terry (January 2001). 587. EVANS, Steve and SOWERS, Richard B. (January 2001). Pinching and twisting Markov processes. 588. EVANS, Steve and ZHOU, Xiaowen (January 2001). Dif- ferent trees have distinct phylogenetic invariants. 589. YANG, Yee Hwa and DUDOIT, Sandrine, LUU Percy and SPEED, Terance P. (January 2001). Normalization for cDNA microarray data. 590. EVANS, Steven and STEINSALTZ, David (March 2001). Estimating some features of NK fitness landscapes. 591. PITMAN, Jim (March 2001). Forest volumes and Abel- Cayley-Hurwitz multinomial expansions. 592. EVANS, Steve and DIACONIS, Persi (April 2001). A Dif- ferent Construction of Gaussian Fields from Markov Chains: Dirichlet Covariances. 593. PITMAN, Jim (April 2001). Random mappings, forests and subsets associated with Abel-Cayley-Hurwitz multinomial expansions 594. ALDOUS, David and PITMAN, Jim (April 2001). Brownian bridge asymptotics for non-uniform random mappings. 595. ALDOUS, David and PITMAN, Jim (April 2001). Distribu- tional aspects of a recursive decomposition of Brownian bridge derived from the asymptotics of random mappings. 596. FREEDMAN, D.A. and WACHTER, K.W. (April 2001). Census 2000. 597. PITMAN, Jim (May 2001). Poisson-Dirichlet and GEM invariant distributions for split-and-merge transformations of an interval partition. 598. STEINSALTZ, David (May 2001). Convergence of moments in a Markov-chain central limit theorem. 599. STEINSALTZ, David (May 2001). Random logistic maps and Lyapunov exponents. 600. FRIDLYAND, Jane and DUDOIT, Sandrine (June 2001). Application of re-sampling methods to identify the number of clusters and to improve cluster accuracy in a dataset. 601. FREEDMAN, David (June 2001). On specifying graphical models for causation, and the identification problem. 602. BICKEL, Peter J. (July 2001). 603. EVANS, Steven N. (July 2001). Eigenvalues of random wreath products. 604. YU, Bin, Mark Coates, Alfred Hero, and Robert Nowak (August 2001). Large scale inference and tomography for net- work monitoring and diagnosis. 605. YU, Bin and Peter Buhlmann (August 2001). Boosting with the L2 Loss: Regression and Classification. 606. ALDOUS, David and Jim Pitman (August 2001). The asymp- totic distribution of the diameter of a random mapping. 607. PITMAN, Jim and Marc Yor (August 2001). Hitting, occupation, and inverse local times of a one-dimensional dif- fusion: martingale and excursion approaches. 608. PITMAN, Jim and Monique Jeanblanc and Marc Yor (August 2001). Self-similar processes with independent increments associated with Levy and Bessel processes. 609. EVANS, Steven N. and Stark, Philip B. (August 2001). Inverse problems as statistics. 610. BRILLINGER, David (September 2001). 611. FREEDMAN, David A. and STARK, Philip B. (September 2001). What is the Chance of an Earthquake? 612. FREEDMAN, David A. and WACHTER, Kenneth W. (October 2001). Improving theAccuracy of the Census Through Adjust- ment. 613. BARLOW, Martin T. and EVANS, Steven N. (November 2001). Markov processes on vermiculated state spaces. 614. EVANS, Steven N. (December 2001). Elementary divisors and determinants of random matrices over a local field. 615. EVANS, Steven N. (April 2002). Diffusions on the sim- plex from Brownian motions on hypersurfaces. 616. SPEED, Terence P. and YANG, Yee Hwa (April 2002). Direct versus indirect designs for cDNA microarray experi- ments. 617. STARK, P.B. EVANS, S.N. and HANSEN, B. (revised August 2002). Minimax Expected Measure Confidence Sets for Res- tricted Location Parameters. 618. YU, Bin and JORNSTEN, Rebecka (June 2002). Simultaneous Gene Clustering and Subset Selection for Classification via MDL. 619. YU, Bin and HANSEN, Mark (June 2002). Minimum Description Length Model Selection Criteria for Generalized Linear Models. 620. YU, Bin and JORNSTEN, R. and WANG, W. and RAMCHANSRAN, K. (June 2002). Microarray image compression: SLOCO and the effects of information loss. 621. PITMAN, Jim (July 2002). Combinatorial Stochastic Processes. 622. RITOV, Y. (July 2002). 623. STOREY, J. (July 2002). 624. ALDOUS, David, PITMAN, Jim and MIERMONT, Gregory (August 2002). Brownian Bridge Asymptotics for Random p- mappings. 625. PITMAN, Jim (September 2002). Poisson-Kingman parti- tions. 626. RICE, John (September 2002). 627. EVANS, Steven (October 2002). Embedding a Markov chain into a random walk on a permutation group. 628. POPOVIC, Lea (October 2002). Asymptotic Genealogy of a Critical Branching Process. 629. BANDYOPADHYAY, Antar (November 2002). Bivariate Uniqueness in the Logistic RecursiveDistributional Equation. 630. SHI, Tao, YU, Bin, BRAVERMAN, Amy (December 2002). MISR Cloud Detection over Ice and Snow Based on Linear Corre- lation Matching. 631. FREEDMAN, David (December 2002). 632. BICKEL, Peter (January 2003). 633. GE, Yongchao, DUDOIT, Sandrine, SPEED, Terrance (Janu- ary 2003). Resampling-based multiple testing for microarray data analysis. 634. CHEN, Aiyou, BICKEL, Peter J. (January 2003). Effi- cient independent component analysis. 635. YU, Bin and ZHANG, Tong (February 2003). Boosting with early stopping: convergence and consistency. 636. EVANS, Steven N. and STEINSALTZ, David (March 2003). Markov mortality models: Implications of quasistationarity and varying initial distributions. 637. EVANS, Steven N. and STEINSALTZ, David (March 2003). Quasistationary distributions for one-dimensional diffusions with killing. 638. JORDAN, Michael I., BARTLETT, Peter L. and MCAULIFFE, Jon D. (March 2003). Convexity, classification, and risk bounds. 639. FREEDMAN, D.A. and PETITTI, D.B. and ROBINS, J.M. (April 2003). On the Efficacy of Screening for Breast Cancer. 640. ALDOUS, DA (May 2003) 641. JORDAN, Michael I., Fukumizu, and Bach (May 2003). Dimen- sionality Reduction for Supervised Learning with Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spac 642. FREEDMAN, D.A. and EATON, M.L. (June 2003). Dutch Book against some "Objective" Priors. 643. PITMAN, Jim, BERTOIN, Jean, CHAUMONT, Loic (July 2003). Path transformations of first passage bridges. 644. PITMAN, Jim, and GNEDIN, Alexander (July 2003). Regen- erative Composition Structures. 645. BICKEL, Peter J. and CHEN, AIYOU, (July 2003). Effi- cient Independent Component Analysis (II). 646. JORDAN, Michael, LANCKRIET, DENG, CRISTIANINI, and NOBLE. (July 2003). Kernel-based data fusion and its appli- cation to protein function prediction in yeast. 647. JORDAN, Michael I. (August 2003). 648. PITMAN, Jim (September 2003) 649. JORDAN, M. I. and WAINWRIGHT, M. (September 2003). Graphical models, exponential families, and variational inference. 650. JORDAN, M. I. and BACH, F. R. (September 2003). Learning graphical models for stationary time series. 651. FREEDMAN, David A. (December 2003). Structural Equa- tion Models: A Critical Review. 652. FREEDMAN, David A. and WACHTER, Kenneth W. (January 2004). Methods for Census 2000 and Statistical Adjustments. 653. JORDAN, Michael, Teh, Beal and Blei (February 2004). Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes. 654. PITMAN, Jim and EVANS Steven N. and WINTER, Anita (February 2004). Rayleigh processes, real trees, and root growth with re-grafting 655. PITMAN, Jim and ALDOUS, David and MIERMONT, Gregory (February 2004). Weak convergence of random p-mappings and the exploration process of inhomogeneous continuum random trees. 656. CHEN, Aiyou and BICKEL, Peter J. (February 2004). Some technical issues about independent component analysis. 657. EVANS, Steven and STEINSALTZ, David and WACHTER, Ken- neth W. (March 2004). A generalized model of mutation- selection balance with applications to aging. 658. JORDAN, M and NGUYEN and WAINWRIGHT (April 2004). Decentralized Detection and Classification using Kernel Methods. 659. EVANS, Steven and WARNOW, Tandy and RINGE, Don and NAKHLEH, Luay (April 2004). Stochastic models of language evolution and an application to the Indo-European family of languages. 660. EVANS, Steven and WARNOW, Tandy and RINGE, Dan and NAKHLEH, Luay (April 2004). Inference of divergence times as a statistical inverse problem. 661. JORDAN, Michael and SEEGER, Matthias (April 2004). Sparse Gaussian Process Classification With Multiple Classes. 662. EVANS, Steve and ZHOU, Xiaowen (June 2004). Balls--in- -boxes duality for coalescing random walks and coalescing Brownian motions. 663. YU, Bin and SHI, Tao (June 2004). Cloud Detection Over Snow and Ice Using MISR Data. 664. RICE, John (June 2004). The title is Measuring Traffic. 665. RICE, John (July 2004). Estimating velocity fields on a freeway from low resolution video recordings. 666. CHEN, Chao, LIAW, Andy and BREIMAN, Leo (August 2004). Using Random Forest to Learn Imbalanced Data. 667. TAI, Yu Chuan and SPEED, Terrence (August 2004). A multivariate empirical Bayes statistic for replicated microarray time course data. 668. EVANS, Steve and WARNOW, Tandy (August 2004). Uniden- tifiable divergence times in rates--across--sites models. 669. WAINWRIGHT, Martin. (September 2004). A New Look at Survey Propagation and its Generalizations. 670. BREIMAN, Leo. (September 2004). Consistency for a Sim- ple Model of Random Forests. 671. WAINWRIGHT, Martin J. and JORDAN, Michael I. (September 2004). Treewidth-based conditions for exactness of the Sherali-Adams and Lasserre relaxations. 672. EVANS, Steven N. and NAKHLEH, Luay, and WARNOW, Tandy and RINGE, Donald September 2004). A comparison of phylogenetic reconstruction methods on an IE dataset. 673. EVANS, Steven N. and WARNOW, Tandy and RINGE, Donald and NAKHLEH, Luay (September 2004). A stochastic model of language evolution that incorporates homoplasy and borrowing 674. JORDAN, Michael I. and BLEI, David M. (October 2004). Variational inference for Dirichlet process mixtures. 675. JORDAN, Michael I. and BLEI, David M. and MC AULIFFE, John David (October 2004). Nonparametric empirical Bayes for the Dirichlet process mixture model. 676. RICE, John and MEINSHAUSEN, Nicolai (October 2004). Estimating the Proportion of False Null Hypotheses among a Large Number of Independently Tested Hypotheses. 677. JORDAN, Michael I. and MC AULIFFE, John David (December 2004). Subtree power analysis finds optimal species for com- parative genomics. 678. YU, Bin and XHAO, Peng (December 2004). Boosted Lasso and Reverse Boosting. 685. EVANS, Steven 686. YU, Bin and GIURCANEANU, C.D. (January 2005). Efficient algorithms for discrete universal denoising for channels with memeory. 687. YU, Bin and LAING, Gang and TAFT, Nina (March 2005). A fast lightweight approach to origin-destination IP traffic estimation using partial measurements. 688. JORDAN, Mike (April 2005). A Probabilistic Interpretation of Canonical Correlation Analysis. 689. YU, and SHI, Tao (April 2005). Binning in Gaussian Ker- nel Regularization. 690. WAINWRIGHT, Martin (May 2005). 691. PITMAN, Jim and GNEDIN, Alexander (May 2005). Self- similar and Markov composition structures. 692. NG, Vivian and BREIMAN, Leo (August 2005). Bivariate variable selection for classification problem. 693. RABBEE, Nusrat Rabbee and SPEED, Terence P. (August 2005). A Genotype Calling Algorithm for Affymterix SNP Arrays. 694. EVANS, Steven N., BHAMINDI, Shankar, PELED, Ron and RALPH, Peter. (September 2005). Brownian motion on time scales, basic hypergeometric functions, and some continued fractions of Ramanujan. 695. WAINWRIGHT, Martin (September 2005). On distance measures, surrogate loss functions, and distributed detec- tion. 696. BENGTSSON, Thomas, BICKEL, Peter J. and LI, Bo. (November 2005). Curse- of-dimensionality revisited: Collapse of importance sampling for very high-dimensional systems. 697. JORDAN, M (November 2005). Copies of these Reports plus the most recent additions to the Technical Report series are available: Cost: $2 per copy. Department of Statistics University of California, Berkeley 367 Evans Hall 3860 Berkeley, California 94720-3860 (510)642-2781 Recent reports are also available on the internet: 1. WWW to 2. FTP to in the directory /pub/tech-reports James Blakly scfadmin @ stat 04/11/2006