R Bootcamp
With co-sponsorship from D-Lab (for 2013-2021) and help from a number of others, we've held intensive two-day introductions to R for members of the Berkeley campus in August of every year from 2013-2023. You can get the materials from the course in the following ways:
August 2023
- Through the bootcamp website.
August 2022
- Through the bootcamp website.
August 2021
- Through GitHub with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
August 2020
- Through GitHub with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
August 2019
- Through GitHub with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
August 2018
- Through GitHub with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
August 2017
- Through GitHub with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
August 2016
- Through GitHub with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
- Screencasts for most of the modules are available on YouTube through the berkeley-scf channel. Search for "UC Berkeley R bootcamp Module" in the YouTube search bar.
August 2015
- Through GitHub with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
August 2014
- As a zip file with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
- Through Github with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
- No screencasts were saved this year; content is similar to 2013, so you can see the screencasts from then.
August 2013
- As a zip file with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
- Through Github with notes (in R Markdown and HTML formatting) and embedded demo code.
- Screencasts for most of the modules available on YouTube (except session 9). They're titled "r-bootcamp-2013 Session {1,2,3,4}".