Joint Statistical Meetings, JSM, 2017 in Baltimore

Joint Statistical Meetings, JSM, 2017 in Baltimore

This year's JSM is right around the corner, July 29th - August 3rd, 2017, in Baltimore. There are sure to be many wonderful presenters, insightful roundtables, and myriad opportunities for professional development. Be sure to see UC Berkeley Statistics professor Martin J. Wainwright, a featured speaker, on Monday, July 31st at 10:30 am. He will be speaking about Information Theoretic Methods in Statistics: From Privacy to Optimization, be sure to attend and show your support for UC Berkeley Statistics. 

This year the UCB Statistics Department is hosting an Alumni Reunion and Mixer, as we have done at previous JSMs. An email was sent to all alumni with information on how to RSVP. You can also get more information about the event on our alumni LinkedIn pages, for PhD/MA alumni- and for BA Alumni-  The Alumni Reunion and Mixer is open to all alumni, faculty, and current students.

We look forward to reconnecting with alumni and seeing many current students at this year's JSM.