Oliver Alday

Head Shot of Oliver Alday

Oliver Alday

Human Resources Coordinator
Office / Location
379 Evans Hall

Responsible for the day-to-day general HR operations for the department including assistance with hiring of students, staff, non-senate, research/postdoc and visiting scholar appointment; benefits, visas.

For senate matter, please email: acadpers@stat.berkeley.edu

Current work schedule (temporary):

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Evans Hall N/A N/A 7:30a - 4:00p N/A 7:30a - 4:00p
Remote 7:30a - 4:00p 7:30a - 4:00p N/A 7:30a - 4:00p N/A
Lunch 12:00p - 12:30p 12:00p - 12:30p 12:00p - 12:30p 12:00p - 12:30p 12:00p - 12:30p


Remote Drop-in Office Hours

Every Thursday from 10 - 11am and Friday 2 - 3 pm

The Remote Office Hours are Drop-In and designed for quick questions and consultations relating to Human Resources and Academic Personnel. Examples include time card issues, questions about merit and promotion process, questions about leaves, onboarding questions, etc.  

Drop-ins will be on a first-come, first-served basis; you fill out this brief form (which will be available during office hours), then wait for an invitation to join via Zoom or receive a Phone Call.

Please click here for an up-to-date office hour and vacation calendar.