Random spanning trees of Cayley graphs and an associated compactification of semigroups

Random spanning trees of Cayley graphs and an associated compactification of semigroups

Report Number
S.N. Evans
Ann. Prob. 27, 261-283 (1999)

A sequential construction of a random spanning tree for the Cayley graph of a finitely generated, countably infinite subsemigroup $V$ of a group $G$ is considered. At stage $n$, the spanning tree $T$ is approximated by a finite tree $T_n$ rooted at the identity. The approximation $T_{n+1}$ is obtained by connecting edges to the points of $V$ that are not already vertices of $T_n$ but can be obtained from vertices of $T_n$ via multiplication by a random walk step taking values in the generating set of $V$. This construction leads to a compactification of the semigroup $V$ in which a sequence of elements of $V$ that is not eventually constant is convergent if the random geodesic through the spanning tree $T$ that joins the identity to the $n^{\mathrm th}$ element of the sequence converges in distribution as $n \rightarrow \infty$. The compactification is identified in a number of examples. Also, it is shown that if $h(T_n)$ and $\#(T_n)$ denote, respectively, the height and size of the approximating tree $T_n$, then there are constants $0 < c_h \le 1$ and $0 \le c_\# \le \log 2$ such that $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} n^{-1} h(T_n) = c_h$ and $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} n^{-1} \log \#(T_n) = c_\#$ almost surely.

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