Latest news

Deb Nolan returns to CDSS as Associate Dean for Faculty

We are excited to announce that Deb Nolan, who is an emeritus professor UC Berkeley Statistics and a former associate dean for undergraduate education at the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), is back at CDSS! She has returned as Associate Dean for Faculty for the spring 2022 semester.

Read more about the exciting news at this link.

Elizabeth Purdom named Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator

We are thrilled to announce that Associate Professor Elizabeth Purdom is among the second cohort of scientists to be named Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigators following a competition for individual awards. The first competition for individual awards was held in 2016, for awards beginning 2017, and a competition for team-based awards was held in 2018.

Ivan Corwin wins the 2021 Loève Prize

We are excited to share that the 2021 Line and Michel Loève International Prize in Probability has been awarded to Ivan Corwin of Columbia University. This prize commemorates Michel Loève, a Professor at the University of California, Berkeley from 1948 until his untimely death in 1979. The Prize was established by his widow, Line, shortly before her death in 1992.

Professor Emeritus Leo Goodman Dies at 92

Professor Emeritus Leo Goodman passed away yesterday, at the age of 92. 

Professor Goodman joined UC Berkeley in 1986, as Class of 1938 Professor in the Sociology Department and the Statistics Department, and retired in 2017.