
2020 Fall STAT 155 001 LEC 001 - Game Theory

Course Times
MoWeFr 11:00am - 11:59am
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

General theory of zero-sum, two-person games, including games in extensive form and continuous games, and illustrated by detailed study of examples.

Adam R. Lucas, Zihao Chen
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 100 62 0

2020 Fall STAT 156 001 LEC 001 - Causal Inference

Course Times
MoWe 5:00pm - 6:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

This course will focus on approaches to causal inference using the potential outcomes framework. It will also use causal diagrams at an intuitive level. The main topics are classical randomized experiments, observational studies, instrumental variables, principal stratification and mediation analysis. Applications are drawn from a variety of fields including political science, economics, sociology, public health, and medicine. This course is a mix of statistical theory and data analysis. Students will be exposed to statistical questions that are relevant to decision and policy making.

Peng Ding
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 35 19 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
33495 LAB 156 Tu 2:00pm - 3:59pm Internet/Online 4 18/11/0
33496 LAB 156 Tu 4:00pm - 5:59pm Internet/Online 4 18/8/0

2020 Fall STAT 157 001 SEM 001 - Seminar on Topics in Probability and Statistics

Course Times
TuTh 3:30pm - 4:59pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Substantial student participation required. The topics to be covered each semester that the course may be offered will be announced by the middle of the preceding semester; see departmental bulletins. Recent topics include: Bayesian statistics, statistics and finance, random matrix theory, high-dimensional statistics.

Adityanand Guntuboyina
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
C 15 15 0

2020 Fall STAT 201A 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Probability at an Advanced Level

Course Times
TuTh 11:00am - 12:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Distributions in probability and statistics, central limit theorem, Poisson processes, modes of convergence, transformations involving random variables.

James W Pitman
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 70 53 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
23680 LAB 201 Mo 12:00pm - 1:59pm Evans 344 4 35/31/0
23681 LAB 201 Mo 3:00pm - 4:59pm Evans 344 4 35/22/0

2020 Fall STAT 201B 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Statistics at an Advanced Level

Course Times
TuTh 2:00pm - 3:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, linear models, large sample theory, categorical models, decision theory.

Elizabeth Purdom
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 70 52 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
23683 LAB 201 We 11:00am - 12:59pm Evans 344 4 35/29/0
23684 LAB 201 We 1:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 344 4 35/23/0

2020 Fall STAT C205A 001 LEC 001 - Probability Theory

Course Times
TuTh 2:00pm - 3:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

The course is designed as a sequence with Statistics C205B/Mathematics C218B with the following combined syllabus. Measure theory concepts needed for probability. Expection, distributions. Laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for independent random variables. Characteristic function methods. Conditional expectations, martingales and martingale convergence theorems. Markov chains. Stationary processes. Brownian motion.

Shirshendu Ganguly, Mehdi Ouaki
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 30 27 1

2020 Fall STAT C206A 001 LEC 001 - Advanced Topics in Probability and Stochastic Process

Course Times
TuTh 12:30pm - 1:59pm
Course Location
Requested General Assignment
Course Units
Course number
Course description

The topics of this course change each semester, and multiple sections may be offered. Advanced topics in probability offered according to students demand and faculty availability.

Alan Hammond
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 10 7 0

2020 Fall STAT 210A 001 LEC 001 - Theoretical Statistics

Course Times
TuTh 9:30am - 10:59am
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to mathematical statistics, covering both frequentist and Bayesian aspects of modeling, inference, and decision-making. Topics include statistical decision theory; point estimation; minimax and admissibility; Bayesian methods; exponential families; hypothesis testing; confidence intervals; small and large sample theory; and M-estimation.

William Fithian, Tae Joo Ahn, Forest Yang
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 140 107 0

2020 Fall STAT 215A 001 LEC 001 - Applied Statistics and Machine Learning

Course Times
TuTh 11:00am - 12:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Applied statistics with a focus on critical thinking, reasoning skills, and techniques. Hands-on-experience with solving real data problems with high-level programming languages such as R. Emphasis on examining the assumptions behind standard statistical models and methods. Exploratory data analysis (e.g., graphical data summaries, PCAs, clustering analysis). Model formulation, fitting, and validation and testing. Linear regression and generalizations (e.g., GLMs, ridge regression, lasso).

Bin Yu
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 42 37 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
23721 LAB 215 Fr 11:00am - 12:59pm Internet/Online 4 42/37/0

2020 Fall STAT 243 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Statistical Computing

Course Times
MoWeFr 10:00am - 10:59am
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Concepts in statistical programming and statistical computation, including programming principles, data and text manipulation, parallel processing, simulation, numerical linear algebra, and optimization.

Christopher Paciorek
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 80 57 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
23822 LAB 243 Fr 12:00pm - 1:59pm Internet/Online 4 40/33/0
23823 LAB 243 Fr 2:00pm - 3:59pm Internet/Online 4 40/24/0
34333 LAB 243 4 1/0/0

2020 Fall STAT 256 001 LEC 001 - Causal Inference

Course Times
MoWe 5:00pm - 6:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

This course will focus on approaches to causal inference using the potential outcomes framework. It will also use causal diagrams at an intuitive level. The main topics are classical randomized experiments, observational studies, instrumental variables, principal stratification and mediation analysis. Applications are drawn from a variety of fields including political science, economics, sociology, public health, and medicine. This course is a mix of statistical theory and data analysis. Students will be exposed to statistical questions that are relevant to decision and policy making.

Peng Ding
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 36 30 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
33498 LAB 256 Tu 2:00pm - 3:59pm Internet/Online 4 18/13/0
33499 LAB 256 Tu 4:00pm - 5:59pm Internet/Online 4 18/17/0

2020 Fall STAT 260 001 LEC 001 - Topics in Probability and Statistics

Course Times
TuTh 3:30pm - 4:59pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Special topics in probability and statistics offered according to student demand and faculty availability.

Adityanand Guntuboyina
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 19 18 0

2020 Fall STAT 272 001 SES 001 - Statistical Consulting

Course Times
Fr 10:00am - 11:59am
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

To be taken concurrently with service as a consultant in the department's drop-in consulting service. Participants will work on problems arising in the service and will discuss general ways of handling such problems. There will be working sessions with researchers in substantive fields and occasional lectures on consulting.

Andrew Paul Bray
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 12 1 0

2020 Fall STAT 278B 001 SEM 001 - Statistics Research Seminar

Course Times
We 4:00pm - 4:59pm
Course number
Course description

Special topics, by means of lectures and informational conferences.

Song Mei, Jacob Noah Steinhardt
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 35 13 0

2020 Fall STAT 375 001 LEC 001 - Professional Preparation: Teaching of Probability and Statistics

Course Times
Fr 9:00am - 9:59am
Course number
Course description

Discussion, problem review and development, guidance of laboratory classes, course development, supervised practice teaching.

Fletcher H Ibser
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 30 20 0

2020 Spring STAT 2 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Statistics

Course Times
MoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:59pm
Course Location
Li Ka Shing 245
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Population and variables. Standard measures of location, spread and association. Normal approximation. Regression. Probability and sampling. Binomial distribution. Interval estimation. Some standard significance tests.

Cari Kaufman
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 300 298 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21860 LAB 2 TuTh 8:00am - 8:59am Evans 332 4 24/23/0
21861 LAB 2 TuTh 9:00am - 9:59am Evans 332 4 25/25/0
21862 LAB 2 TuTh 10:00am - 10:59am Evans 332 4 25/26/0
21863 LAB 2 TuTh 11:00am - 11:59am Evans 332 4 24/24/0
21864 LAB 2 TuTh 12:00pm - 12:59pm Wheeler 124 4 25/25/0
21865 LAB 2 TuTh 1:00pm - 1:59pm Wheeler 106 4 26/26/0
21866 LAB 2 TuTh 2:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 332 4 25/25/0
21867 LAB 2 TuTh 3:00pm - 3:59pm Evans 332 4 25/25/0
21868 LAB 2 TuTh 8:00am - 8:59am Evans 334 4 25/24/0
21869 LAB 2 TuTh 2:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 330 4 25/25/0
21870 LAB 2 TuTh 3:00pm - 3:59pm Evans 330 4 25/25/0
21871 LAB 2 TuTh 5:00pm - 5:59pm Evans 334 4 25/25/0

2020 Spring STAT C8 001 LEC 001 - Foundations of Data Science

Course Times
MoWeFr 10:00am - 10:59am
Course Location
Wheeler 150
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Foundations of data science from three perspectives: inferential thinking, computational thinking, and real-world relevance. Given data arising from some real-world phenomenon, how does one analyze that data so as to understand that phenomenon? The course teaches critical concepts and skills in computer programming and statistical inference, in conjunction with hands-on analysis of real-world datasets, including economic data, document collections, geographical data, and social networks. It delves into social and legal issues surrounding data analysis, including issues of privacy and data ownership.

Swupnil Kumar Sahai, Ramesh Sridharan, Avery Kwan-Ting Yip, Sam Wu, Tamara Vilaythong
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
C 1350 1350 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
22141 LAB 8 We 12:00pm - 1:59pm Evans 458 4 30/0/0
22142 LAB 8 We 12:00pm - 1:59pm Cory 105 4 30/0/0
22143 LAB 8 We 12:00pm - 1:59pm Evans B6 4 30/0/0
22144 LAB 8 We 12:00pm - 1:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
22145 LAB 8 We 2:00pm - 3:59pm Evans 458 4 30/0/0
22146 LAB 8 We 2:00pm - 3:59pm Cory 105 4 30/0/0
22147 LAB 8 We 2:00pm - 3:59pm Evans B6 4 30/0/0
22148 LAB 8 We 2:00pm - 3:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
22149 LAB 8 We 4:00pm - 5:59pm Evans 458 4 30/0/0
22150 LAB 8 We 4:00pm - 5:59pm Cory 105 4 30/0/0
22151 LAB 8 We 4:00pm - 5:59pm Evans B6 4 30/0/0
22152 LAB 8 We 4:00pm - 5:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
22153 LAB 8 We 6:00pm - 7:59pm Evans 458 4 30/0/0
22154 LAB 8 We 6:00pm - 7:59pm Cory 105 4 30/0/0
22155 LAB 8 We 6:00pm - 7:59pm Evans B6 4 30/0/0
22156 LAB 8 We 6:00pm - 7:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
22157 LAB 8 Th 8:00am - 9:59am Evans 458 4 30/0/0
22158 LAB 8 Th 8:00am - 9:59am Cory 105 4 30/0/0
22159 LAB 8 Th 8:00am - 9:59am Evans B6 4 30/0/0
22160 LAB 8 Th 8:00am - 9:59am Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
22667 LAB 8 Th 10:00am - 11:59am Evans 458 4 30/0/0
22668 LAB 8 Th 10:00am - 11:59am Cory 105 4 30/0/0
22669 LAB 8 Th 10:00am - 11:59am Evans B6 4 30/0/0
22670 LAB 8 Th 10:00am - 11:59am Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
22982 LAB 8 Th 12:00pm - 1:59pm Evans 458 4 30/0/0
23030 LAB 8 Th 12:00pm - 1:59pm Cory 105 4 30/0/0
23037 LAB 8 Th 2:00pm - 3:59pm Evans B6 4 30/0/0
23038 LAB 8 Th 2:00pm - 3:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
23397 LAB 8 Th 6:00pm - 7:59pm Evans B6 4 30/0/0
24278 LAB 8 Fr 12:00pm - 1:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 30/0/0
24279 LAB 8 Fr 2:00pm - 3:59pm Evans 458 4 30/0/0
24280 LAB 8 Fr 12:00pm - 1:59pm Evans B6 4 30/0/0

2020 Spring STAT 20 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Course Times
TuTh 6:30pm - 7:59pm
Course Location
Wheeler 150
Course Units
Course number
Course description

For students with mathematical background who wish to acquire basic concepts. Relative frequencies, discrete probability, random variables, expectation. Testing hypotheses. Estimation. Illustrations from various fields.

Fletcher H Ibser
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 350 349 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21873 LAB 20 MoWe 8:00am - 8:59am Dwinelle 234 4 25/24/0
21874 LAB 20 MoWe 8:00am - 8:59am Cory 285 4 25/25/0
21876 LAB 20 MoWe 10:00am - 10:59am Hildebrand B51 4 25/25/0
21877 LAB 20 MoWe 10:00am - 10:59am Hildebrand B56 4 25/25/0
21878 LAB 20 MoWe 11:00am - 11:59am Evans 334 4 25/25/0
21879 LAB 20 MoWe 12:00pm - 12:59pm Evans 9 4 25/25/0
21880 LAB 20 MoWe 12:00pm - 12:59pm Evans 334 4 25/25/0
21881 LAB 20 MoWe 1:00pm - 1:59pm Evans 332 4 25/25/0
21883 LAB 20 MoWe 2:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 332 4 25/25/0
21884 LAB 20 MoWe 2:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 334 4 25/25/0
21885 LAB 20 MoWe 3:00pm - 3:59pm Evans 332 4 25/25/0
21886 LAB 20 MoWe 3:00pm - 3:59pm Evans 334 4 25/25/0

2020 Spring STAT 20 002 LEC 002 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Course Times
MoWeFr 10:00am - 10:59am
Course Location
Valley Life Sciences 2040
Course Units
Course number
Course description

For students with mathematical background who wish to acquire basic concepts. Relative frequencies, discrete probability, random variables, expectation. Testing hypotheses. Estimation. Illustrations from various fields.

Shobhana Murali Stoyanov
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 158 157 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
32519 LAB 20 TuTh 8:00am - 8:59am Evans 330 4 26/24/0
32520 LAB 20 TuTh 9:00am - 9:59am Evans 330 4 28/27/0
32521 LAB 20 TuTh 10:00am - 10:59am Evans 330 4 26/25/0
32522 LAB 20 TuTh 11:00am - 11:59am Evans 330 4 27/27/0

2020 Spring STAT 33A 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Programming in R

Course Times
Mo 9:00am - 9:59am
Course Location
Birge 50
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to the R statistical software for students with minimal prior experience with programming. This course prepares students for data analysis with R. The focus is on the computational model that underlies the R language with the goal of providing a foundation for coding. Topics include data types and structures, such as vectors, data frames and lists; the REPL evaluation model; function calls, argument matching, and environments; writing simple functions and control flow. Tools for reading, analyzing, and plotting data are covered, such as data input/output, reshaping data, the formula language, and graphics models.

Nick Ulle
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 140 127 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
31223 LAB 33 We 10:00am - 10:59am Evans 342 1 35/30/0
31224 LAB 33 We 9:00am - 9:59am Evans 342 1 35/34/0
31225 LAB 33 We 11:00am - 11:59am Evans 342 1 35/31/0
31226 LAB 33 We 12:00pm - 12:59pm Evans 342 1 35/32/0

2020 Spring STAT 33B 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Advanced Programming in R

Course Times
We 9:00am - 9:59am
Course Location
Birge 50
Course Units
Course number
Course description

The course is designed primarily for those who are already familiar with programming in another language, such as python, and want to understand how R works, and for those who already know the basics of R programming and want to gain a more in-depth understanding of the language in order to improve their coding. The focus is on the underlying paradigms in R, such as functional programming, atomic vectors, complex data structures, environments, and object systems. The goal of this course is to better understand programming principles in general and to write better R code that capitalizes on the language's design.

Nick Ulle
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 140 69 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
31231 LAB 33 1 0/0/0
31232 LAB 33 Fr 10:00am - 10:59am Evans 342 1 35/20/0
31233 LAB 33 Fr 11:00am - 11:59am Evans 340 1 35/27/0
31234 LAB 33 Fr 12:00pm - 12:59pm Hearst Gym 242 1 35/22/0

2020 Spring STAT 88 001 LEC 001 - Probability and Mathematical Statistics in Data Science

Course Times
MoWeFr 2:00pm - 2:59pm
Course Location
Valley Life Sciences 2050
Course Units
Course number
Course description

In this connector course we will state precisely and prove results discovered while exploring data in Data 8. Topics include: probability, conditioning, and independence; random variables; distributions and joint distributions; expectation, variance, tail bounds; Central Limit Theorem; symmetries in random permutations; prior and posterior distributions; probabilistic models; bias-variance tradeoff; testing hypotheses; correlation and the regression model.

Adam R. Lucas
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 300 287 0

2020 Spring STAT 89A 001 LEC 001 - Linear Algebra for Data Science

Course Times
TuTh 12:30pm - 1:59pm
Course Location
Evans 60
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to linear algebra for data science. The course will cover introductory topics in linear algebra, starting with the basics; discrete probability and how prob- ability can be used to understand high-dimensional vector spaces; matrices and graphs as popular mathematical structures with which to model data (e.g., as models for term-document corpora, high-dimensional regression problems, ranking/classification of web data, adjacency properties of social network data, etc.); and geometric approaches to eigendecompositions, least-squares, principal components analysis, etc.

Michael William Mahoney
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 100 73 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
23377 LAB 89 Mo 8:00am - 9:59am Evans 342 4 25/14/0
23378 LAB 89 Mo 10:00am - 11:59am Evans 342 4 25/22/0

2020 Spring STAT C100 001 LEC 001 - Principles & Techniques of Data Science

Course Times
TuTh 9:30am - 10:59am
Course Location
Wheeler 150
Course Units
Course number
Course description

In this course, students will explore the data science lifecycle, including question formulation, data collection and cleaning, exploratory data analysis and visualization, statistical inference and prediction​, and decision-making.​ This class will focus on quantitative critical thinking​ and key principles and techniques needed to carry out this cycle. These include languages for transforming, querying and analyzing data; algorithms for machine learning methods including regression, classification and clustering; principles behind creating informative data visualizations; statistical concepts of measurement error and prediction; and techniques for scalable data processing.

Joseph Edgar Gonzalez, Anindita Adhikari
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
C 0 0 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
22648 LAB 100 Tu 4:00pm - 4:59pm Evans 458 4 0/0/0
22649 LAB 100 Tu 4:00pm - 4:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0
22650 LAB 100 We 10:00am - 10:59am Evans 458 4 0/0/0
22651 LAB 100 We 10:00am - 10:59am Evans B6 4 0/0/0
23017 LAB 100 Tu 11:00am - 11:59am Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0
23018 LAB 100 Tu 12:00pm - 12:59pm Cory 105 4 0/0/0
23025 LAB 100 Tu 1:00pm - 1:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0
23026 LAB 100 Tu 2:00pm - 2:59pm Cory 105 4 0/0/0
23027 LAB 100 Tu 2:00pm - 2:59pm Evans B6 4 0/0/0
23028 LAB 100 4 0/0/0
24379 LAB 100 Tu 2:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 458 4 0/0/0
24383 LAB 100 Tu 3:00pm - 3:59pm Cory 105 4 0/0/0
24385 LAB 100 Tu 3:00pm - 3:59pm Evans B6 4 0/0/0
24753 LAB 100 Tu 4:00pm - 4:59pm Evans B6 4 0/0/0
33215 LAB 100 We 9:00am - 9:59am Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0
33217 LAB 100 We 10:00am - 10:59am Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0
33219 LAB 100 We 11:00am - 11:59am Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0
33221 LAB 100 We 9:00am - 9:59am Cory 105 4 0/0/0
33223 LAB 100 Tu 5:00pm - 5:59pm Cory 105 4 1/0/0
33225 LAB 100 Tu 6:00pm - 6:59pm Cory 105 4 0/0/0
33227 LAB 100 Tu 7:00pm - 7:59pm Cory 105 4 0/0/0
33229 LAB 100 Tu 7:00pm - 7:59pm Evans B6 4 0/0/0
33231 LAB 100 Tu 7:00pm - 7:59pm Evans 458 4 0/0/0
33233 LAB 100 Tu 7:00pm - 7:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0
33235 LAB 100 We 8:00pm - 8:59pm Evans 458 4 0/0/0
33237 LAB 100 We 8:00pm - 8:59pm Evans B6 4 0/0/0
33239 LAB 100 We 8:00pm - 8:59pm Sutardja Dai 254 4 0/0/0

2020 Spring STAT 102 001 LEC 001 - Data, Inference, and Decisions

Course Times
TuTh 9:30am - 10:59am
Course Location
Genetics & Plant Bio 100
Course Units
Course number
Course description

This course develops the probabilistic foundations of inference in data science, and builds a comprehensive view of the modeling and decision-making life cycle in data science including its human, social, and ethical implications. Topics include: frequentist and Bayesian decision-making, permutation testing, false discovery rate, probabilistic interpretations of models, Bayesian hierarchical models, basics of experimental design, confidence intervals, causal inference, Thompson sampling, optimal control, Q-learning, differential privacy, clustering algorithms, recommendation systems and an introduction to machine learning tools including decision trees, neural networks and ensemble methods.

Jacob Noah Steinhardt, Moritz Hardt
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 160 159 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
32461 LAB 102 We 9:00am - 9:59am Evans 344 4 29/28/0
32464 LAB 102 We 10:00am - 10:59am Evans 344 4 27/25/0
32466 LAB 102 We 11:00am - 11:59am Evans 344 4 28/27/1
32468 LAB 102 We 12:00pm - 12:59pm Evans 344 4 27/26/0
32470 LAB 102 We 1:00pm - 1:59pm Evans 344 4 27/26/0
32473 LAB 102 We 2:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 344 4 28/27/0
32475 LAB 102 4 0/0/0
32477 LAB 102 4 0/0/0

2020 Spring STAT 131A 001 LEC 001 - Statistical Methods for Data Science

Course Times
TuTh 2:00pm - 3:29pm
Course Location
Evans 10
Course Units
Course number
Course description

This course teaches a broad range of statistical methods that are used to solve data problems. Topics include group comparisons and ANOVA, standard parametric statistical models, multivariate data visualization, multiple linear regression, logistic regression and classification, regression trees and random forests. An important focus of the course is on statistical computing and reproducible statistical analysis. The course and lab include hands-on experience in analyzing real world data from the social, life, and physical sciences. The R statistical language is used.

William Fithian
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 70 65 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21892 LAB 131 TuTh 4:00pm - 4:59pm Evans 332 4 38/32/0
21893 LAB 131 4 0/0/0
32429 LAB 131 4 0/0/0
32431 LAB 131 4 0/0/0
32432 LAB 131 4 0/0/0

2020 Spring STAT 133 001 LEC 001 - Concepts in Computing with Data

Course Times
MoWeFr 9:00am - 9:59am
Course Location
Valley Life Sciences 2050
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to computationally intensive applied statistics. Topics will include organization and use of databases, visualization and graphics, statistical learning and data mining, model validation procedures, and the presentation of results.

Gaston Sanchez Trujillo
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 250 212 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21895 LAB 133 Th 9:00am - 10:59am Evans 340 3 31/36/0
21896 LAB 133 3 0/0/0
21897 LAB 133 Th 11:00am - 12:59pm Evans 340 3 30/25/0
21898 LAB 133 Th 11:00am - 12:59pm Evans 342 3 30/28/0
21899 LAB 133 Th 1:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 340 3 30/30/0
21900 LAB 133 Th 3:00pm - 4:59pm Evans 340 3 31/27/0
21901 LAB 133 3 0/0/0
21902 LAB 133 Fr 11:00am - 12:59pm Evans 342 3 30/30/0
23060 LAB 133 Fr 3:00pm - 4:59pm Evans 340 3 30/12/0
23061 LAB 133 Fr 1:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 342 3 30/24/0

2020 Spring STAT 134 001 LEC 001 - Concepts of Probability

Course Times
MoWeFr 10:00am - 10:59am
Course Location
Valley Life Sciences 2050
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to probability, emphasizing concepts and applications. Conditional expectation, independence, laws of large numbers. Discrete and continuous random variables. Central limit theorem. Selected topics such as the Poisson process, Markov chains, characteristic functions.

Brett T Kolesnik
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 400 320 0

2020 Spring STAT 135 001 LEC 001 - Concepts of Statistics

Course Times
MoWeFr 11:00am - 11:59am
Course Location
Evans 10
Course Units
Course number
Course description

A comprehensive survey course in statistical theory and methodology. Topics include descriptive statistics, maximum likelihood estimation, non-parametric methods, introduction to optimality, goodness-of-fit tests, analysis of variance, bootstrap and computer-intensive methods and least squares estimation. The laboratory includes computer-based data-analytic applications to science and engineering.

Adam R. Lucas
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 210 186 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21915 LAB 135 Fr 12:00pm - 1:59pm Evans 330 4 35/34/0
21916 LAB 135 Fr 12:00pm - 1:59pm Etcheverry 3109 4 35/29/0
21917 LAB 135 Fr 2:00pm - 3:59pm Hildebrand B51 4 35/27/0
21918 LAB 135 Fr 2:00pm - 3:59pm Evans 9 4 35/32/0
21919 LAB 135 Fr 4:00pm - 5:59pm Evans 9 4 35/33/0
21920 LAB 135 Fr 4:00pm - 5:59pm Evans 70 4 35/31/0

2020 Spring STAT 140 001 LEC 001 - Probability for Data Science

Course Times
TuTh 3:30pm - 4:59pm
Course Location
Li Ka Shing 245
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to probability, emphasizing the combined use of mathematics and programming to solve problems. Random variables, discrete and continuous families of distributions. Bounds and approximations. Dependence, conditioning, Bayes methods. Convergence, Markov chains. Least squares prediction. Random permutations, symmetry, order statistics. Use of numerical computation, graphics, simulation, and computer algebra.

Anindita Adhikari
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 297 271 0

2020 Spring STAT 150 001 LEC 001 - Stochastic Processes

Course Times
MoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:59pm
Course Location
Stanley 106
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Random walks, discrete time Markov chains, Poisson processes. Further topics such as: continuous time Markov chains, queueing theory, point processes, branching processes, renewal theory, stationary processes, Gaussian processes.

Shirshendu Ganguly
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 73 72 0

2020 Spring STAT 151A 001 LEC 001 - Linear Modelling: Theory and Applications

Course Times
TuTh 2:00pm - 3:29pm
Course Location
Latimer 120
Course Units
Course number
Course description

A coordinated treatment of linear and generalized linear models and their application. Linear regression, analysis of variance and covariance, random effects, design and analysis of experiments, quality improvement, log-linear models for discrete multivariate data, model selection, robustness, graphical techniques, productive use of computers, in-depth case studies.

Samuel David Pimentel
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 140 95 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21922 LAB 151 Fr 9:00am - 10:59am Evans 332 4 35/25/0
21923 LAB 151 Fr 11:00am - 12:59pm Evans 332 4 35/29/0
22601 LAB 151 Fr 1:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 332 4 35/21/0
22602 LAB 151 Fr 3:00pm - 4:59pm Evans 332 4 35/20/0

2020 Spring STAT 152 001 LEC 001 - Sampling Surveys

Course Times
TuTh 11:00am - 12:29pm
Course Location
Tan 180
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Theory and practice of sampling from finite populations. Simple random, stratified, cluster, and double sampling. Sampling with unequal probabilities. Properties of various estimators including ratio, regression, and difference estimators. Error estimation for complex samples.

Shobhana Murali Stoyanov
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 70 53 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21925 LAB 152 Mo 1:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 340 4 35/30/0
21926 LAB 152 Mo 3:00pm - 4:59pm Evans 340 4 35/23/0

2020 Spring STAT 153 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Time Series

Course Times
TuTh 3:30pm - 4:59pm
Course Location
Hearst Mining 390
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to time series analysis in the time domain and spectral domain. Topics will include: estimation of trends and seasonal effects, autoregressive moving average models, forecasting, indicators, harmonic analysis, spectra.

Jared D Fisher
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
C 140 140 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21928 LAB 153 Fr 9:00am - 10:59am Evans 334 4 35/35/0
21929 LAB 153 Fr 11:00am - 12:59pm Evans 334 4 35/35/0
21930 LAB 153 Fr 12:00pm - 1:59pm Evans 344 4 35/35/0

2020 Spring STAT 154 001 LEC 001 - Modern Statistical Prediction and Machine Learning

Course Times
TuTh 12:30pm - 1:59pm
Course Location
Hearst Mining 390
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Theory and practice of statistical prediction. Contemporary methods as extensions of classical methods. Topics: optimal prediction rules, the curse of dimensionality, empirical risk, linear regression and classification, basis expansions, regularization, splines, the bootstrap, model selection, classification and regression trees, boosting, support vector machines. Computational efficiency versus predictive performance. Emphasis on experience with real data and assessing statistical assumptions.

Gaston Sanchez Trujillo
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 140 117 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21933 LAB 154 Mo 9:00am - 10:59am Evans 330 4 35/30/0
21934 LAB 154 Mo 11:00am - 12:59pm Evans 330 4 35/33/0

2020 Spring STAT 155 001 LEC 001 - Game Theory

Course Times
MoWeFr 12:00pm - 12:59pm
Course Location
Cory 277
Course Units
Course number
Course description

General theory of zero-sum, two-person games, including games in extensive form and continuous games, and illustrated by detailed study of examples.

Shobhana Murali Stoyanov
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 100 95 0

2020 Spring STAT 157 001 SEM 001 - Seminar on Topics in Probability and Statistics

Course Times
MoWe 4:00pm - 5:29pm
Course Location
Evans 332
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Substantial student participation required. The topics to be covered each semester that the course may be offered will be announced by the middle of the preceding semester; see departmental bulletins. Recent topics include: Bayesian statistics, statistics and finance, random matrix theory, high-dimensional statistics.

James Bentley Brown
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 15 13 0

2020 Spring STAT C205B 001 LEC 001 - Probability Theory

Course Times
TuTh 12:30pm - 1:59pm
Course Location
Evans 334
Course Units
Course number
Course description

The course is designed as a sequence with with Statistics C205A/Mathematics C218A with the following combined syllabus. Measure theory concepts needed for probability. Expection, distributions. Laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for independent random variables. Characteristic function methods. Conditional expectations, martingales and martingale convergence theorems. Markov chains. Stationary processes. Brownian motion.

James W Pitman
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 25 7 0

2020 Spring STAT C206B 001 LEC 001 - Advanced Topics in Probability and Stochastic Processes

Course Times
TuTh 11:00am - 12:29pm
Course Location
Evans 334
Course Units
Course number
Course description

The topics of this course change each semester, and multiple sections may be offered. Advanced topics in probability offered according to students demand and faculty availability.

Steven N Evans
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 30 9 0

2020 Spring STAT 210B 001 LEC 001 - Theoretical Statistics

Course Times
TuTh 9:30am - 10:59am
Course Location
Etcheverry 3106
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Introduction to modern theory of statistics; empirical processes, influence functions, M-estimation, U and V statistics and associated stochastic decompositions; non-parametric function estimation and associated minimax theory; semiparametric models; Monte Carlo methods and bootstrap methods; distributionfree and equivariant procedures; topics in machine learning. Topics covered may vary with instructor.

Yan Shuo Tan
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 50 44 0

2020 Spring STAT 215B 001 LEC 001 - Statistical Models: Theory and Application

Course Times
TuTh 2:00pm - 3:29pm
Course Location
Evans 334
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Course builds on 215A in developing critical thinking skills and the techniques of advanced applied statistics. Particular topics vary with instructor. Examples of possible topics include planning and design of experiments, ANOVA and random effects models, splines, classification, spatial statistics, categorical data analysis, survival analysis, and multivariate analysis.

Elizabeth Purdom
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 25 12 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21945 LAB 215 Fr 10:00am - 11:59am Evans 344 4 25/12/0

2020 Spring STAT 222 001 SEM 001 - Masters of Statistics Capstone Project

Course Times
Tu 5:00pm - 7:59pm
Course Location
Tan 180
Course Units
Course number
Course description

The capstone project is part of the masters degree program in statistics. Students engage in professionally-oriented group research under the supervision of a research advisor. The research synthesizes the statistical, computational, economic, and social issues involved in solving complex real-world problems.

Libor Pospisil, Thomas Bengtsson
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
C 52 53 0

2020 Spring STAT 230A 001 LEC 001 - Linear Models

Course Times
MoWe 5:00pm - 6:29pm
Course Location
Etcheverry 3106
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Theory of least squares estimation, interval estimation, and tests under the general linear fixed effects model with normally distributed errors. Large sample theory for non-normal linear models. Two and higher way layouts, residual analysis. Effects of departures from the underlying assumptions. Robust alternatives to least squares.

Peng Ding
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 60 56 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21948 LAB 230 We 2:00pm - 3:59pm Moffitt Library 106 4 40/38/0
33561 LAB 230 We 10:00am - 11:59am Evans 332 4 30/18/0

2020 Spring STAT 248 001 LEC 001 - Analysis of Time Series

Course Times
TuTh 3:30pm - 4:59pm
Course Location
Evans 334
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Frequency-based techniques of time series analysis, spectral theory, linear filters, estimation of spectra, estimation of transfer functions, design, system identification, vector-valued stationary processes, model building.

Adityanand Guntuboyina
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 35 29 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
21952 LAB 248 Fr 1:00pm - 2:59pm Evans 334 4 35/29/0

2020 Spring STAT 260 001 LEC 001 - Topics in Probability and Statistics

Course Times
MoWe 4:00pm - 5:29pm
Course Location
Evans 332
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Special topics in probability and statistics offered according to student demand and faculty availability.

James Bentley Brown
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 10 6 0

2020 Spring STAT 272 001 SES 001 - Statistical Consulting

Course Times
We 10:00am - 11:59am
Course Location
Evans 443
Course Units
Course number
Course description

To be taken concurrently with service as a consultant in the department's drop-in consulting service. Participants will work on problems arising in the service and will discuss general ways of handling such problems. There will be working sessions with researchers in substantive fields and occasional lectures on consulting.

Philip Stark, Lisa R. Goldberg
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 12 11 0

2020 Spring STAT 278B 001 SEM 001 - Statistics Research Seminar

Course Times
We 4:00pm - 4:59pm
Course Location
Evans 1011
Course number
Course description

Special topics, by means of lectures and informational conferences.

Jacob Noah Steinhardt
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 30 26 0

2020 Spring STAT 278B 002 SEM 002 - Statistics Research Seminar

Course Times
We 3:00pm - 3:59pm
Course Location
Evans 1011
Course number
Course description

Special topics, by means of lectures and informational conferences.

Alan Hammond
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 15 3 0

2020 Spring STAT 278B 004 SEM 004 - Statistics Research Seminar

Course Times
Tu 11:00am - 12:29pm
Course Location
Evans 1011
Course number
Course description

Special topics, by means of lectures and informational conferences.

Lisa R. Goldberg
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 15 1 0

2020 Summer STAT 2 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Statistics

Course Times
TuTh 9:30am - 11:29am
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Population and variables. Standard measures of location, spread and association. Normal approximation. Regression. Probability and sampling. Binomial distribution. Interval estimation. Some standard significance tests.

Shobhana Murali Stoyanov
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 75 64 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
12466 LAB 2 TuTh 12:00pm - 1:29pm Internet/Online 4 38/35/0
12467 LAB 2 TuTh 2:00pm - 3:29pm Internet/Online 4 37/29/0

2020 Summer STAT 2 002 LEC 002 - Introduction to Statistics

Course Times
MoTuWeThFr 3:00pm - 4:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Population and variables. Standard measures of location, spread and association. Normal approximation. Regression. Probability and sampling. Binomial distribution. Interval estimation. Some standard significance tests.

Maureen Lahiff
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 72 68 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
12696 LAB 2 MoTuWeThFr 4:30pm - 5:29pm Internet/Online 4 18/18/0
12697 LAB 2 MoTuWeThFr 4:30pm - 5:29pm Internet/Online 4 18/18/0
12698 LAB 2 MoTuWeThFr 4:30pm - 5:29pm Internet/Online 4 18/17/0
15117 LAB 2 MoTuWeThFr 4:30pm - 5:29pm Internet/Online 4 18/15/0

2020 Summer STAT C8 001 LEC 001 - Foundations of Data Science

Course Times
MoTuWeThFr 10:00am - 10:59am
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

Foundations of data science from three perspectives: inferential thinking, computational thinking, and real-world relevance. Given data arising from some real-world phenomenon, how does one analyze that data so as to understand that phenomenon? The course teaches critical concepts and skills in computer programming and statistical inference, in conjunction with hands-on analysis of real-world datasets, including economic data, document collections, geographical data, and social networks. It delves into social and legal issues surrounding data analysis, including issues of privacy and data ownership.

Sandrine Dudoit, Philippe Boileau, Anna Thuy Nhu Nguyen
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 450 444 14
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
12589 LAB 8 MoWe 11:00am - 12:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/0
12590 LAB 8 MoWe 11:00am - 12:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/5
12683 LAB 8 MoWe 11:00am - 12:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/2
12684 LAB 8 MoWe 1:00pm - 2:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/0
12685 LAB 8 MoWe 1:00pm - 2:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/31/4
12686 LAB 8 MoWe 1:00pm - 2:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/0
12726 LAB 8 MoWe 3:00pm - 4:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/29/0
12727 LAB 8 MoWe 3:00pm - 4:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/0
12777 LAB 8 MoWe 3:00pm - 4:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/29/0
12778 LAB 8 MoWe 5:00pm - 6:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/1
15879 LAB 8 MoWe 11:00am - 12:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/1
15880 LAB 8 MoWe 1:00pm - 2:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/30/1
15881 LAB 8 MoWe 3:00pm - 4:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/28/0
15882 LAB 8 MoWe 5:00pm - 6:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/29/0
15883 LAB 8 MoWe 1:00pm - 2:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/28/0

2020 Summer STAT 20 001 LEC 001 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Course Times
MoTuWeTh 11:00am - 12:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

For students with mathematical background who wish to acquire basic concepts. Relative frequencies, discrete probability, random variables, expectation. Testing hypotheses. Estimation. Illustrations from various fields.

Fletcher H Ibser
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 114 94 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
12469 LAB 20 MoWeTh 1:00pm - 1:59pm Internet/Online 4 42/37/0
12470 LAB 20 MoWeTh 2:00pm - 2:59pm Internet/Online 4 42/32/0
15936 LAB 20 MoWeTh 3:00pm - 3:59pm Internet/Online 4 30/25/0

2020 Summer STAT C100 001 LEC 001 - Principles & Techniques of Data Science

Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

In this course, students will explore the data science lifecycle, including question formulation, data collection and cleaning, exploratory data analysis and visualization, statistical inference and prediction​, and decision-making.​ This class will focus on quantitative critical thinking​ and key principles and techniques needed to carry out this cycle. These include languages for transforming, querying and analyzing data; algorithms for machine learning methods including regression, classification and clustering; principles behind creating informative data visualizations; statistical concepts of measurement error and prediction; and techniques for scalable data processing.

Allen Shen, Suraj J Rampure
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
C 0 0 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
13072 LAB 100 Internet/Online 4 0/0/0
13074 LAB 100 Internet/Online 4 0/0/0
13076 LAB 100 Internet/Online 4 0/0/0
13077 LAB 100 Internet/Online 4 0/0/0
13079 LAB 100 Internet/Online 4 0/0/0

2020 Summer STAT 134 001 LEC 001 - Concepts of Probability

Course Times
MoTuWeTh 1:00pm - 2:29pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

An introduction to probability, emphasizing concepts and applications. Conditional expectation, independence, laws of large numbers. Discrete and continuous random variables. Central limit theorem. Selected topics such as the Poisson process, Markov chains, characteristic functions.

Fletcher H Ibser
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 128 108 0

2020 Summer STAT 135 001 LEC 001 - Concepts of Statistics

Course Times
TuWeTh 9:00am - 10:59am
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

A comprehensive survey course in statistical theory and methodology. Topics include descriptive statistics, maximum likelihood estimation, non-parametric methods, introduction to optimality, goodness-of-fit tests, analysis of variance, bootstrap and computer-intensive methods and least squares estimation. The laboratory includes computer-based data-analytic applications to science and engineering.

Libor Pospisil
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 84 62 0
Class # Section Date And Times Location Units LIM/ENR/WAIT
12478 LAB 135 TuTh 11:30am - 12:59pm Internet/Online 4 40/28/0
12479 LAB 135 TuTh 2:00pm - 3:29pm Internet/Online 4 40/34/0

2020 Summer STAT 155 001 LEC 001 - Game Theory

Course Times
TuWeTh 12:00pm - 1:59pm
Course Location
Course Units
Course number
Course description

General theory of zero-sum, two-person games, including games in extensive form and continuous games, and illustrated by detailed study of examples.

Adam R. Lucas, Alexander Tsigler
Status Limit Enrolled Waitlist
O 100 38 0