Summer Prep Program

Summer Prep Program

As an incoming student in the Master of Arts (M.A.) in Statistics program, we want to ensure you have a smooth transition and a strong start. Our Summer Prep Program, facilitated by Statistics Ph.D. students, is designed specifically for you. The program is provided as part of the MA Statistics degree program. Participation is optional, but highly recommended.

Why Participate?

  1.  Review Core Concepts:
    • Refresh your understanding of essential topics such as calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory.
    • Gain confidence in foundational concepts that will be crucial throughout your studies and will give you a jumpstart on your first semester in the MA Statistics program.
  2.  Connect with Peers:
    • Meet fellow students who share your passion for statistics.
    • Build a supportive network that will enhance your learning experience.

Program Details

  • Duration: The program runs for 2 weeks, typically right before the Fall semester begins.
  • Schedule: Sessions are held on weekdays on campus for 4 hours per day
  • Topics Covered:
    • Mathematical Foundations: Strengthen your grasp of key mathematical concepts.
    • Statistical Methods: Explore fundamental statistical techniques.
    • Probability: Focus on the fundamental concepts of probability theory

How to Participate

  1.  Registration: A Google Form will be sent to incoming MA Statistics students to register. There is no addition fee as this program is provided as part of the MA Statistics program.
  2.  Access Materials: You’ll receive access to a bCourses page 1-2 weeks before the in-person sessions.
  3.  Program Format: Incoming students are expected to work on the materials/problem sets before the in-person sessions begin. The in-person review sessions will be facilitated by Statistics Ph.D. students who will review topics and answer questions.

How to Prepare During Summer

  • Texts to Review: Probability - Jim Pitman & Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis - John Rice

Additional Preparation

  • The Statistics Department has also held Python and R workshops for campus wide participants. These workshops have been offered at no additional fee.