Department Mailing Lists
For more details on a mailing list and for subscription options, click on the mailing list name. All mailing lists below are under the domain, e.g. "dept" is
They are organized below under the owner's job title. If you would like to request a change to a departmental mailing list, please contact its owner.
Academic Personnel or HR Coordinator
- adjunct
- Adjunct professors
- assocprof
- Associate professors
- asstprof
- Assistant professors
- emeriti
- Emeritus faculty
- faculty
- All faculty (a.k.a. StatFac, where statfac is an alias). All faculty, i.e. Adjunct Professors (all ranks), Professors (all ranks), Teaching Professors (all ranks), Emeritus and Recall Faculty, Continuing and Pre-Six lecturers, Neyman Professors.
- fullprof
- Full professors
- lecturers
- Lecturers (Continuing and Pre-Six)
- neymans
- Neyman professors
- permfac
- Senate faculty (Professors (all ranks), Teaching Professors (all ranks), Emeritus and Recall Faculty)
- postdocs
- Postdocs
- visitors
- Visiting Scholars, Visiting Professors, Visiting Student Researchers
Undergraduate Student Services
- undergrads
- Undergraduate students
- haps
- Undergraduate students, plus any student who is interested in the happenings of the program
Graduate Student Services Advisor
- women
- Women in the department
- statgrads
- PhD and MA students
- phdgrads
- PhD students
- grads
- PhD, MA, and biostat graduate students
- jobs
Master's Program Coordinator
- magrads
- MA students
Department Manager
- staff (formerly permstaff)
- All permanent staff
- dept
- All faculty, staff, graduate students (MA and PhD), visitors, and postdocs
SCF Systems Manager
Course and Curriculum Officer
- instructors (formerly teachfac)
- Any instructor of a Stat class in the current, previous, and next semesters, plus all faculty.
- statpeers
- not currently in use
- seminars
- Whoever chooses to sign up, and grads@stat.
Front Office Manager
- schedule
- Workstudy schedule
Biostat / Sandrine Dudoit
Stat 272 Instructor
This individual may choose to coordinate with next semester's instructor on handing off ownership of this list, or contact the Graduate Student Services Advisor.
- consulting
- Members of the consulting service