Computer Labs

Computer Labs

The Statistics Department operates a small computer lab room in 432 Evans for instructional computing, independent work, and interactions with GSIs.


All users of the instructional computing rooms must observe the following rules. It is each user's responsibility to know them and those who repeatedly violate the rules may have their computer privileges suspended or revoked.

  1. No food or drinks are allowed in the computer labs.
  2. Talk quietly so not to interfere with the work of other students.
  3. Allow others to access to the computers. Do not sit in front of a computer if you are not using it. Keep backpacks, extra books, etc. off of the tables.
  4. If you must leave a computer without logging out, leave a note on it stating what time you left. Unattended computers, or computers with notes older than ten minutes, may be logged out by other users needing a computer.
  5. Do not turn off the computers or printers.
  6. Do not tamper with the printers in the room in any way. Do not touch the printer controls. Do not adjust the paper position.
  7. Be courteous about printed output. Pick up your printouts promptly. If another user's printout is also on the printer, leave it on the table next to the printer. Put your unwanted printouts in the recycling bin.
  8. Use the computers and printers only for work related to your account's Statistics course. Do not play games on the computer.
  9. Do not give anyone else access to your account.
  10. If a computer or printer is not working properly, ask your GSI on duty or send mail to

Campus Policies

The use of SCF computing resources requires compliance with the Berkeley Campus Computer Use Policy and the University of California Electronic Communications Policy (ECP).