Submitting Parallel Jobs
One can use SLURM to submit a variety of types of parallel code. Here is a set of potentially useful templates that we expect will account for most user needs. If you have a situation that does not fall into these categories or have questions about parallel programming, submitting jobs to use more than one core, or are not sure how to follow these rules, please email
For additional details, please see our tutorial on the basics of parallel programming in R, Python, Matlab and C, with some additional details on using the cluster. If you're making use of the threaded BLAS, it's worth doing some testing to make sure that threading is giving an non-negligible speedup; see the notes above for more information.
- Threaded jobs
Here's an example job script to use multiple threads (4 in this case) in R (or with your own openMP-based program):
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 4 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK R CMD BATCH --no-save simulate.R simulate.Rout
This will allow your R code to use the system's threaded BLAS and LAPACK routines. [Note that in R you can instead use the omp_set_num_threads() function in the RhpcBLASctl package, again making use of the SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK environment variable.] The same syntax in your job script will work if you've compiled a C/C++/Fortran program that makes use of openMP for threading. Just replace the R CMD BATCH line with the line calling your program.
Here's an example job script to use multiple threads (4 in this case) in Matlab:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 4 matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay < simulate.m > simulate.out
- Multi-core (one node) jobs
The following example job script files pertain to jobs that need to use multiple cores on a single node that do not fall under the threading/openMP context. This is relevant for parallel code in R that starts multiple R process (e.g., foreach, mclapply, parLapply), for parfor in Matlab, and for and pp.Server in Python.
Note that because we have enabled hyperthreading on the machines, each core is actually a virtual core (hardware thread), and so code may not run as quickly as if each core were a physical core. If you'd like to avoid using hyperthreading, get in contact with us for work-arounds.
Here's an example script that uses multiple cores (4 in this case):
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 4 R CMD BATCH --no-save simulate.R simulate.Rout
In general, in your R, Python, or any other code, you wouldn't want to have more worker processes than the number of total cores requested (4 in this case). You can use the SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK environment variable to programmatically control this.
Note that in R, you should not use the `detectCores()` function (from the parallel package) as this detects the number of cores physically on the node, not the number available via Slurm for your job. You will end up starting too many processes (more than the number of cores available), which may slow down your computation.
The same syntax for your job script pertains to MATLAB.
Note that by default the maximum number of workers in MATLAB is 12. To use more, run the following before invoking parpool.
c = parcluster('local'); c.NumWorkers = str2num(getenv('SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK'));
By default MATLAB will use one core per worker (i.e., the parallel tasks will not be threaded). To use multiple threads per worker, here's an example job script (this is for four workers and two threads per worker):
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes 1 #SBATCH --ntasks 4 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 2 matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay < simulate.m > simulate.out
and here's example MATLAB code for starting up your parallel pool of (threaded) workers:
c = parcluster('local'); c.NumThreads = str2num(getenv('SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK')); c.parpool(str2num(getenv('SLURM_NTASKS')));
- Multi-node (distributed memory) jobs
You can use MPI to run jobs across multiple nodes. Alternatively, there are ways to run software such as Python and R across multiple nodes. This is useful in two ways. First, it allows you to use more cores for a single job than are available on a single node. Second, if you need fewer cores but the free cores are scattered across the nodes and there are not sufficient cores on any one node, this allows you to make use of those scattered cores.
Note that because we have enabled hyperthreading on the machines, each core discussed below is actually a virtual core (hardware thread), and so code may not run as quickly as if each core were a physical core. If you'd like to avoid using hyperthreading, get in contact with us for work-arounds.
A standard approach for such jobs is to request the number of cores (one core per parallel worker) using the "-n" flag. Here we request 36 cores.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -n 36 < insert your call(s) to executables that can parallelize across nodes here >
In the remainder of this section, we show how to run MPI-based code. For information on using software such as R and Python across multiple nodes, see our tutorial on parallelization.
Here's an example script that uses multiple processors via MPI (36 in this case):
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -n 36 mpirun myMPIexecutable
"myMPIexecutable" could be C/C++/Fortran code you've written that uses MPI, or R or Python code that makes use of MPI. More details are available here.
To run an MPI job with each process threaded, your job script would look like the following (here with 18 processes and two threads per process):
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -n 18 -c 2 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK mpirun -x OMP_NUM_THREADS myMPIexecutable
Running MATLAB across Multiple Nodes
You can run MATLAB across unlimited workers (except as constrained by the number of cores available on the system not used by other jobs) on one or more nodes. There are two ways you can do this. Please see these instructions for how this is done on the EML (Economics) cluster, also run by SCF. The same instructions will work on the SCF, but for 'Option 2', of course you should be running MATLAB on an SCF stand-alone server.
- Parallelizing independent computations or jobs
There are various ways to collect multiple computations or jobs and run them in parallel as one or more SLURM jobs.
- SLURM job arrays allow you to submit multiple jobs at once.
- GNU parallel allows you to run multiple tasks in parallel within a job.
- SLURM allows you to start multiple tasks in parallel in a job via srun.
- Finally, you can use shell scripting to 'manually' automate job submission.
Job array submissions are a nice way to submit multiple jobs in which you vary a parameter across the different jobs.
Here's what your job script would look like, in this case to run a total of 5 jobs with parameter values of 0, 1, 2, 5, 7:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -a 0-2,5,7 myExecutable
Your program should then make use of the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID environment variable, which for a given job will contain one of the values from the set given with the -a flag (in this case from {0,1,2,5,7}). You could, for example, read SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID into your R, Python, Matlab, or C code.
Here's a concrete example where it's sufficient to use SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID to distinguish different input files if you need to run the same command (the bioinformatics program tophat in this case) on multiple input files (in this case, trans0.fq, trans1.fq, ...):
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -a 0-2,5,7 tophat BowtieIndex trans$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.fq
GNU Parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel on one or multiple computers. It’s a helpful tool for automating the parallelization of multiple (often serial) jobs, in particular allowing one to group jobs into a single SLURM submission to take advantage of the multiple cores on a given node of the cluster.For details, please see the Berkeley Savio cluster documentation on using GNU parallel.Here's how you would set up your job script if you want to run multiple instances (18 in this case) of the same code as part of a single job.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --ntasks 18 srun myExecutable
To have each instance behave differently, you can make use of the SLURM_PROCID environment variable, which will be distinct (and have values 0, 1, 2, ...) between the different instances.
The above approaches are more elegant, but you can also use UNIX shell tools to submit multiple SLURM jobs. Here are some approaches and example syntax. We've tested these a bit but email us if you have problems or find a better way to do this. (Of course you can also manually create lots of individual job submission scripts, each of which calls a different script.)
First, remember that each individual job must be submitted through sbatch. I.e., no job submission script should execute jobs in parallel, except via the mechanisms discussed earlier in this document.
Here is some example bash shell code (which could be placed in a shell script file) that loops over two variables (one numeric and the other a string):
for ((it = 1; it <= 10; it++)); do for mode in short long; do sbatch $it $mode done done
You now have a couple options in terms of how is specified. This illustrates things for Matlab jobs, but it shouldn't be too hard to modify for other types of jobs.
Option #1
# contents of echo "it = $1; mode = '$2'; myMatlabCode" > tmp-$1-$2.m matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -singleCompThread < tmp-$1-$2.m > tmp-$1-$2.out 2> tmp-$1-$2.err
In this case myMatlabCode.m would use the variables 'it' and 'mode' but not define them.
Option #2
# contents of export it=$1; export mode=$2; matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -singleCompThread < myMatlabCode.m > tmp-$1-$2.out 2> tmp-$1-$2.err
In this case you need to insert the following Matlab code at the start of myMatlabCode.m so that Matlab correctly reads the values of 'it' and 'mode' from the UNIX environment variables:
it = str2num(getenv('it')); mode = getenv('mode');