Linux Cluster

Linux Cluster

The SCF operates a Linux cluster as our primary resource for users for computational jobs.

The cluster is managed by the SLURM queueing software. SLURM provides a standard batch queueing system through which users submit jobs to the cluster. Jobs are typically submitted to SLURM using a user-defined shell script that executes one's application code. Interactive use is also an option. Users may also query the cluster to see job status. As currently set up, the cluster is designed for processing single-core and multi-core/threaded jobs, as well as jobs that are set up to use multiple machines (aka 'nodes') within the cluster (i.e., distributed memory jobs). All software running on SCF Linux machines is available on the cluster. Users can also compile programs on any SCF Linux machine and then run that program on the cluster.

The cluster is open to Department of Statistics faculty, grad students, postdocs, and visitors using their SCF logon. Class account users do not have access by default, but instructors can email to discuss access for their class.

All jobs that you run on the cluster need to be submitted via the Slurm scheduling software from one of our Linux servers. Slurm sends each job to run on a machine (aka a node) (or machines) on one of the partitions in the cluster. A partition is a collection of machines with similar hardware.

Please click on the bubbles below or see the subpages in the right-hand side menu for more details.

Quick start

Quick start guide

Cluster hardware

Detailed information about the compute nodes in the cluster.


How to monitor jobs and activity on the cluster.

Basic job submission

How to submit cluster jobs using the Slurm scheduler.

Submitting parallel jobs

How to prepare and submit code to run in parallel.

GPU jobs

Submitting GPU jobs to our various partitions with GPU servers.