A de Finetti-type representation of exchangeable hierarchies

A de Finetti-type representation of exchangeable hierarchies

Probability Seminar
Jan 19, 2011, 03:10 PM - 04:00 PM | 332 Evans Hall | Happening As Scheduled
Chris Haulk, Department of Statistics, University of California at Berkeley
A hierarchy on a set $S$ is a collection $H$ of subsets of $S$ for which for every pair $A,B$ of elements of $H$, either $A$ contains $B$ or $B$ contains $A$ or the intersection of $A$ and $B$ is empty. Additionally, a hierarchy on $S$ contains $S$ and all singleton subsets of $S$. Hierarchies are also known as laminar families and total partitions. A random hierarchy $H$ on a countable set $S$...