Probability Seminar: The (2+1)-dimensional SOS model: limiting shape and dynamics

Probability Seminar: The (2+1)-dimensional SOS model: limiting shape and dynamics

Probability Seminar
Nov 9, 2011, 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM | 332 Evans Hall | Happening As Scheduled
Eyal Lubetzky, Microsoft Research, Redmond
We present new results on the (2+1)-dimensional Solid-On-Solid model at low temperatures (also known as the Onsager-Temperley sheet, introduced in the 1950's). Bricmont, El-Mellouki and Froelich (1986) showed that in the presence of a floor there is an entropic repulsion phenomenon, lifting the surface to a height which is logarithmic in the side of the box. We refine this and establish the...