Bin Yu and Team Reflect on Tackling COVID Outbreaks
In a recent article, author Jon Bashor highlights how Professor Bin Yu and members from her group, including Chandan Singh as her deputy, responded to a call from a nonprofit to provide data science expertise at the onset of the COVID pandemic. Thanks to the combined efforts of her team in collaboration with Response4Life, the predictions of Yu's group helped deliver PPE to where it was most needed.
Bashor's article links to the group's invited paper submitted to a special issue of Statistical Science on COVID-19, where they discuss their efforts and outline the seven principles of the project.
In addition to Yu and Singh, the team consisted of Nick Altieri, James Duncan, Raaz Dwivedi, Karl Kumbier, Xiao Li, Robert Netzorg, Briton Park, Yan Shuo Tan, Tiffany Tang and Yu (Hue) Wang.