Statistics staffer Ryan Lovett '99 has been named a Jupyter Distinguished Contributor

Statistics staffer Ryan Lovett '99 has been named a Jupyter Distinguished Contributor

Statistics staffer Ryan Lovett '99 has been named a Jupyter Distinguished Contributor (JDC). Lovett serves as Director of Computing, overseeing the Statistical Computing Facility (SCF).

Head shot of Ryan Lovett

Project Jupyter Distinguished Contributors are recognized for their substantial contributions to Jupyter itself in both quality and quantity over at least two years. Contributions may include code, code review, infrastructure work, mailing list and chat participation, community help/building, education and outreach, fundraising, branding, marketing, inclusion and diversity, UX design and research, etc.

Project Jupyter is a non-profit, open-source project, born out of the IPython Project in 2014 as it evolved to support interactive data science and scientific computing across all programming languages. Jupyter will always be 100% open-source software, free for all to use and released under the liberal terms of the modified BSD license.

Associate Professor Fernando Pérez serves on the Project Jupyter Executive Council.