Reader Positions

Reader Positions

The Statistics Department often has Reader positions for select courses available each semester. Appointees to the Reader title are employed to render diverse services as course assistants, which will normally include grading homework assignments, labs and/or quizzes; and may also include attending lectures, holding office hours, consulting with the instructor, and other course-related duties. Readers may not perform teaching duties. Solutions to problem sets are normally provided by the Graduate Student Instructor or the Instructor. Undergraduate or graduate students who have taken Statistics courses and have done well in them are encouraged to apply. Students who are offered Reader positions in the Statistics Department tend to be undergraduates who took the applicable course at UC Berkeley and received an A- or higher.

Please read all of the information below before applying.


Students interested in applying for Summer 2025 Reader and Tutor positions should APPLY HERE

During Summers, we will often need Readers for the following courses (subject to change):

  • Stat 20 (Introduction to Probability and Statistics)
  • Stat 134 (Concepts of Probability)
  • Stat 135 (Concepts of Statistics)
  • Stat 155 (Game Theory)

During the Fall and Spring semesters, we will often need Readers for the following courses (subject to change):

  • Stat 20 (Introduction to Probability and Statistics)
  • Stat 33A (Introduction to R)
  • Stat 33B (Introduction to Advanced R)
  • Data/Stat C131A (Statistical Methods for Data Science)
  • Stat 133 (Computing with Data)
  • Stat 134 (Concepts of Probability)
  • Stat 135 (Concepts of Statistics)
  • Stat 150 (Stochastic Processes)
  • Stat 151A (Linear Modelling)
  • Stat 153 (Time Series)
  • Stat 154 (Modern Statistical Prediction and Machine Learning) 
  • Stat 155 (Game Theory)

Click here to apply for Data C8, C88S, C100, C102 and C140 ASE positions


Readers must meet Graduate Division's Minimum Qualifications:

  • Must have at least a 3.0 grade-point average; and
  • May not have more than two Incomplete grades in upper division and graduate courses on the transcript; and
  • Must be in good academic standing (i.e., may not be on academic probation or have had their degree candidacy lapse) and be clear of certain disciplinary probations based on the Code of Student Conduct; and
  • Must have taken and received at least a B grade in the course or another course equivalent to the one in which they are serving; and
  • Must be UC students who are registered and enrolled in at least twelve units of course work during the semester in which they are serving as a Reader; and
  • Must attend the New ASE Orientation sponsored by the Office of Labor Relations for the semester of the appointment, if this readership is the student’s first ASE assignment.

The campus HR website has the UAW contract for Academic Student Employees.


The campus HR website has the current rates for reader positions. We are unable to offer reader positions that provide tuition remission.

Department Expectations

  • You are expected to meet with the instructor of the course immediately.
  • You are expected to grade and return homework according to the schedule given to you by the instructor or GSI.
  • Solutions to the homework problem sets will be provided by the instructor or the GSI.
  • The department will provide a copy of the textbook, if needed.
  • The department will set up a mailbox for you in the Statistics Office, if needed.
  • You are expected to attend an ASE orientation for Readers.
  • You are expected to complete employment documents with ERSO Berkeley Regional Services in a timely manner.
  • Submit monthly timesheets by the deadline.