Jonathan Hermon

Photo of Jonathan Hermon

Jonathan Hermon

Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia
Office / Location
385 Evans

Before coming to Berkeley I received my M.Sc degree in Mathematics from the Weizmann institute of science with Itai Benjamini serving as my advisor.

My graduate research was mostly concentrated on problems in discrete probability theory with a special emphasis on problems related to the theory of mixing times of Markov chains and the cutoff phenomenon. Besides that, I have also worked on particle systems driven by random walks and on dependent percolation. I am especially interested in the interaction between geometric properties of graphs, random walk and percolation.

M.Sc in math from the Weizmann institute of science
Maximal Inequalities and Mixing Times
Dissertation Advisor
Allan Sly
Statistics Ph.D. Program
Year Entered Program
Year Graduated