Nicholas P. Jewell
infectious diseases (specifically HIV), chronic disease epidemiology, environmental epidemiology, survival analysis, human rights statistics
As a biostatistician, my research focuses on the application of novel statistical techniques to the design, analysis and interpretation of data arising from public health and clinical disease studies. I have a particular interest in epidemiological and intervention studies for infectious diseases. Particular applications include trials to reduce dengue fever worldwide and intervention trials to reduce HIV transmission in Africa Recent work has also focused on Ebola vaccine studies and the epidemiology of COVID-19. From a statistical point of view I am interested in survival analysis-- particularly current status data and other statistical methods for epidemiology, causal inference in intervention studies, cluster randomized trials, and longitudinal data analysis including trajectories. I am also involved in the use of statistics in human rights applications including the assessment of civilian casualties in times of conflict, and police killings of civilians in the US.
Since arriving at the University of California, Berkeley in 1981, I have held various academic and administrative positions, including serving as Vice Provost from 1994 to 2000. I am currently a Professor of the Graduate School in Biostatistics and Statistics, while simultaneously holding a position as Chair of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Previously I served as an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Princeton University, and have held visiting appointments at the University of Edinburgh, Oxford University, the Karolinska Institutet, and the University of Kyoto. In 2007, I was a Fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study Center in Italy.
I am an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine. I am also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the International Statistical Institute, and the Royal Statistical Society. In 2012, I received the Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science from Harvard University, and am also the 2005 winner of the Snedecor Award from COPSS, as well as a winner of the Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of California, Berkeley's School of Public Health in 2004. In 2000, I was honored by the Director's Award from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for providing "extraordinary leadership and vision in implementing strategies that enhance the disaster resistance of the University of California, Berkeley, and universities throughout America." In addition, the 2005 Alfred E. Alquist Award was given to UC Berkeley's SAFER program that I launched and led for many years.
I was educated at the University of Edinburgh, where I received a first class Honours degree in Applied Mathematics in 1973, and a doctorate in Mathematics in 1976. Following my graduate program, I was appointed to a Harkness Fellowship from 1976 to 1978, which I held at the University of California, Berkeley and at Stanford University.
- N. P. Jewell and A.M. Sinclair, "Epimorphisms and derivations on L1(0,1) are continuous," Bull. of London Math. Soc.. 8, 1976, 135-139.
- N. P. Jewell, "The continuity of module and higher derivations," Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 68, 1977, 91-98.
- N. P. Jewell, "The existence of discontinuous model derivations," Pacific Journal ofMathematics, 71, 1977, 465-475.
- N. P. Jewell and A.M. Davie, "Toeplitz operators in several complex variables," Journal of Functional Analysis, 26, 1977, 356-368.
- N. P. Jewell, "Multiplication by the coordinate functions on the Hardy space of the unit sphere in Cn," Duke Journal of Math, 44, 1977, 839-851.
- N. P. Jewell and A. Lubin, "Systems of commuting weighted shifts and analytic function theory in several variables," Journal of Operator Theory, 1, 1979, 207-223.
- N. P. Jewell and S. Krantz, "Toeplitz operators and related function algebras on certain pseudo-convex domains," Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc., 252, 1979, 297-312.
- S. Axler, I. Berg, N. P. Jewell and A. Shields, "Approximation by compact operators and the space H∞+ C, Annals of Mathematics, 109, 1979, 197-312.
- P. Bloomfield, J. Carmichael, G. Petrie, N. P. Jewell and G. Crompton, "Comparison of salbutamol given intravenously and by intermittent positive pressure breathing in life-threatening asthma," British Medical Journal, 1, 1979, 848-850.
- N. P. Jewell "Fredholm Toeplitz operators on strongly pseudoconvex domains", Studia Math, 68, 1980, 25-34.
- S. Axler, N. P. Jewell and A. Shields, "The essential norm of an operator and its adjoint," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 261, 1980, 159-167.
- N. P. Jewell, "Toeplitz operators on the Bergman spaces and in several complex variables," Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 41, 1980, 193-216.
- R. Strange, J. Reid, D. Holton, N. P. Jewell and I. Percy-Robb, "The glyceryl [14C] tripalmitate breath test: a reassessment," Clinica Chimica, 103, 1980, 317-323.
- C. Romano, A. Goldstein and N. P. Jewell, "Characterization of the receptor that mediates the nicotine discriminative stimulus," Psychopharmacology, 74, 1981, 310-315.
- N. P. Jewell and G.M. Raab, "Difficulties in obtaining consistent estimators of variance parameters," Biometrika, 68, 1981, 211-226.
- N. P. Jewell, "Some multiple Q-Q plotting procedures," in Modern Data Analysis, eds. R.L. Launer, A.F. Siegel, Academic Press, New York, 1982, 13-35.
- N. P. Jewell, "Mixtures of exponential distributions," Annals of Statistics, 10, 1982, 479-484.
- N. P. Jewell and J.P. Romano, "Coverage problems and random convex hulls," Journal of Applied Probability, 19, 1982, 546-561.
- N. P. Jewell, P. Bloomfield and E. Hayashi, "Characterizations of completely nondeterministic stochastic processes," Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 107, 1983, 307-317.
- N. P. Jewell and P. Bloomfield, "Canonical correlations of past and future for times series -- definitions and theory," Annals of Statistics, 11, 1983, 837-847.
- N. P. Jewell, P. Bloomfield and F. Bartmann, "Canonical correlations of past and future for time series -- bounds and computations," Annals of Statistics, 11, 1983, 848-855.
- S. Kramer, N. P. Jewell and N. Cremer, "Discriminant analysis of data in enzyme immunoassay," Journal of Immunological Methods, 60, 1983, 243-255.
- N. P. Jewell, "Small sample bias of point estimators of the odds ratio from matched sets," Biometrics, 40, 1984, 421-435.
- N. P. Jewell, "Least squares regression with data arising from stratified samples of the dependent variables," Biometrika, 72, 1985, 11-21.
- N. P. Jewell and J. Romano, "Evaluating inclusion functions for random convex hulls," Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie verw. Gebiete, 68, 1985, 415-424.
- C.A. Watts, R.M Scheffler and N. P. Jewell, “Demand for outpatient mental health services in a heavily insured population: The case of BC/BS FEHBP,” Health Services Research, 21, 1986, 267-289.
- C.P. Quesenberry, Jr., and N. P. Jewell, “Regression analysis based on stratified samples,” Biometrika, 73, 1986, 605-614.
- M-C Wang, N. P. Jewell and W-Y Tsai, “Asymptotic properties of the product limit estimate under random truncation,” Annals of Statistics, 14, 1986, 1597-1605.
- N. P. Jewell, “On the bias of commonly used measures of association for 2x2 tables,” Biometrics, 42, 1986, 351-358.
- B. Caan, D. Horgen, S. Margen, J.C. King and N. P. Jewell, “Benefits associated with WIC supplemental feeding during the interpregnancy interval,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 45, 1987, 29-41.
- W-Y Tsai, N. P. Jewell and M-C Wang, “The product limit estimate of a survival curve under right censoring and left truncation,” Biometrika, 74, 1987, 883-886.
- K-L Tsui, N. P. Jewell and C.F.J. Wu, “A nonparametric approach to the truncated regression problem,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 1988, 785-792.
- S. Grossman, M.Milos, I.S. Tekawa and N. P. Jewell, “Colonoscopic screening of persons with suspected risk factors for colon cancer: II. Past history of colorectal neoplasms,” Gastroenerology, 96, 1989, 299-306.
- W. Lang, H. Perkins, R.E. Anderson, R. Royce, N. P. Jewell and W.Winkelstein, Jr., “Patterns of T lymphocyte changes with Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection: from seroconversion to the development of AIDS,” Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2, 1989, 63-69.
- R.E. Fusaro, N. P. Jewell, W.W. Hauck, D.C. Heilbron, J.D. Kalbfleisch, J.M.Neuhaus and M. Ashby, “An annotated bibliography of quantitative methodology relating to the AIDS epidemic,” Statistical Science, 4, 1989, 264-281.
- R.E. Anderson, D. Kiprov, W. Lang, S. Shiboski, N. P. Jewell and W. Winkelstein, Jr., “Relation of serum antilymphocyte antibodies to the development of AIDS in HIV-seropositive men,” (letter to the editor), New England Journal of Medicine, 320, 1989, 1754.
- B. Ostro, M. Lipsett and N. P. Jewell, “Predicting respiratory morbidity from pulmonary function tests,” Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 39, 1989, 1313-1318.
- N. P. Jewell, Rejoinder to “A note on the estimate of the relative risk when sample sizes are small”, by K-J Lui, Biometrics, 45, 1989, 1031-1032.
- J.M. Neuhaus and N. P. Jewell, “Some comments on Rosner’s multiple logistic model for clustered data,” Biometrics, 46, 1990, 523-531.
- R.E. Anderson, W. Lang, S. Shiboski, R. Royce, N. P. Jewell and W.Winkelstein, Jr., “Use of Beta-2 microglobulin level and CD-4 lymphocyte counts to predict development of AIDS in persons with Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection,” Archives of Internal Medicine, 150, 1990, 73-77.
- A. Rotnitzky and N. P. Jewell, “Hypothesis testing of regression parameters in semi-parametric generalized linear models for cluster correlated data,” Biometrika, 77, 1990, 485-497.
- J.M. Neuhaus and N. P. Jewell, “The effect of retrospective sampling on binary regression models for clustered data,” Biometrics, 46, 1990, 977-990.
- N. P. Jewell and S. Shiboski, “Statistical analysis of HIV infectivity based on partner studies,” Biometrics, 46, 1990, 1133-1150.
- N. Padian, S. Shiboski, and N. P. Jewell, “The effect of number of exposures on the risk of heterosexual HIV transmission,” Journal of Infectious Diseases, 161, 1990, pp. 883-887.
- N. P. Jewell, “Some statistical issues in studies of the epidemiology of AIDS,” Statistics in Medicine, 9, 1990, 1387-1416.
- P. Bacchetti and N. P. Jewell, “Nonparametric estimation of the incubation period of AIDS based on a prevalent cohort with unknown infection times,” Biometrics, 47, 1991, 947-960.
- L.D. Robinson and N. P. Jewell, “Some surprising results about covariate adjustment in logistic regression models,” International Statistical Review, 58, 1990, 227-240.
- R.E. Anderson, W. Lang, R. Royce, S.C. Shiboski, N. P. Jewell and W. Winkelstein, Jr., “CD8+ T lymphocytes and progression to AIDS in HIV infected men: some observations,” AIDS, 5, 1991, 213-215.
- N. P. Jewell, “A comparison of maximum likelihood and Jewell’s estimator of the odds ratio and relative risk in single 2 x 2 tables,” (letter to the editor), Statistics in Medicine, 10, 1991, 151-153.
- L.D. Robinson and N. P. Jewell, “Covariate adjustment,” (letter to the editor), Biometrics, 47, 1991, 342-343.
- N.S. Padian, S.C. Shiboski, and N. P. Jewell, “Female-to-male transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus,” Journal of the American Medical Association, 266, 1991, 1664-1667.
- S. Shiboski and N. P. Jewell, “Statistical analysis of the time dependence of HIV infectivity based on partner study data,” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 1992, 360-372.
- M. Ashby, J.M. Neuhaus, W.W. Hauck, D.C. Heilbron, R.E. Fusaro, and N. P. Jewell, “An annotated bibliography of methods for analyzing correlated categorical data”, Statistics in Medicine, 11, 1992, 67-99.
- P. Bacchetti, M. Segal, and N. P. Jewell, “Uncertainty about the incubation period of AIDS and its impact on backcalculation,” In AIDS Epidemiology: Methodological Issues, 1992, Jewell, N. P., Dietz, K., and Farewell, V. eds., Birkhauser-Boston.
- N.S. Padian, S.C. Shiboski, and N. P. Jewell, “Heterosexual transmission of HIV,” Journal of the American Medical Association,, 267, 1992, 1918-1919.
- N. P. Jewell and J.D. Kalbfleisch, “Marker processes and applications to AIDS,” In AIDS Epidemiology: Methodological Issues, 1992, Jewell, N. P., Dietz, K., and Farewell, V. eds., Birkhauser-Boston.
- AIDS Epidemiology: Methodological Issues, 1992, Jewell, N. P., Dietz, K., and Farewell, V. eds., Birkhauser-Boston.
- M-C. Wang, R. Brookmeyer, and N. P. Jewell, "Statistical models for prevalent cohort data," Biometrics, 49, 1993, 1-11.
- P. Bacchetti, M. Segal and N. P. Jewell, "Backcalculation of HIV infection rates(with discussion)", Statistical Science, 8, 1993, 82-119.
- N. P. Jewell and J.P. Nielsen, "A framework for consistent prediction rules based on markers", Biometrika, 80, 1993, 153-164.
- N. P. Jewell and S.C. Shiboski, "The design and analysis of partner studies of HIV transmission,” In Methodological Issues in AIDS BehavioralResearch, 1993, Ostrow, D. G. & Kessler, R. eds., Plenum Publishing Company.
- P. Bacchetti, M. Segal, N. Hessol, and N. P. Jewell, "Differing AIDS incubation periods and their impact on reconstructing HIV epidemics and projecting AIDS incidence,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 90, 1993, 2194-2196.
- J.M. Neuhaus and N. P. Jewell, "A geometric approach to assess bias due to omitted covariates in generalized linear models". Biometrika, 80, 1993, 807-815.
- M. Segal, P. Bacchetti and N. P. Jewell, "Variances for maximum penalized likelihood estimates obtained via the EM algorithm". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 56, 1994, 345-352.
- N. P. Jewell, H. Malani and E. Vittinghoff, "Nonparametric estimation for a form of doubly censored data with application to two problems in AIDS", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89, 1994, 7-18.
- E. Vittinghoff, H. Malani, and N. P. Jewell, "Estimating patterns of CD4 lymphocyte decline using data from a prevalent cohort of HIV infected individuals", Statistics in Medicine, 13, 1994, 1101-1118.
- N. P. Jewell, "Nonparametric estimation and doubly-censored data: General ideas and applications to AIDS", Statistics in Medicine, 13, 1994, 2081-2095.
- N. P. Jewell, "Double censoring and all that: Problems in biostatistical inference", Proceedings of Conference on Statistical Inference and Biostatistics, ed. D. A. Sprott, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico, 1994, 121-133.
- Survival Tools for Statview, 1994, Jewell, N. P., Baron, C., Abacus Concepts, Inc., Berkeley.
- N. P. Jewell and M. van der Laan, "Generalizations of current status data with applications", Lifetime Data Analysis, 1, 1995, 101-109.
- R. E. Fusaro, P. Bacchetti and N. P. Jewell, "A competing risks analysis of presenting AIDS diagnoses trends", Biometrics, 52, 1996, 211-225.
- D. Rabinowitz and N. P. Jewell, "Regression with doubly censored current status data", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 58, 1996, 541-550.
- N. P. Jewell and J. D. Kalbfleisch, "Marker processes in survival analysis", Lifetime Data Analysis, 2, 1996, 15-29.
- Lifetime Data: Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis, 1996, Jewell, N. P., Kimber, A.C., Lee, M-L. T., and Whitmore, G.A. eds., Kluwer
- M. van der Laan, P. Bickel and N. P. Jewell, "Singly and doubly censored current status data: Estimation, asymptotics and regression", Scandinavian Journal of Statistics., 24, 1997, 1-19.
- M. van der Laan, N. P. Jewell and D. Petersen, "Efficient estimation of the lifetime and disease onset distribution", Biometrika, 84, 1997, 539-554.
- N. P. Jewell and M. van der Laan, "Singly and doubly censored current status data with extensions to multi-state counting processes", Proceedings of First Seattle Conference in Biostatistics, 1997, Lin, D-Y. ed., Springer Verlag.
- Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Volumes 1-6, 1998, Editors-in-Chief: Armitage, P., Colton, T., Editors: Jewell, N. P. and others, John Wiley and Sons, United Kingdom.
- M. van der Laan and N. P. Jewell, "The NPMLE in the doubly censored current status data model", Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 28, 2001, 537-547.
- Y. Q. Chen and N. P. Jewell,.”On a general class of semiparametric hazards regression models”, Biometrika, 88, 2001, 687-702.
- M. van der Laan and N. P. Jewell, "Current status data and right-censored data structures when observing a marker at the censoring time", Annals of Statistics, 31, 2003, 512-535.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, M. van der Laan and T. Henneman, "Nonparametric estimation from current status data with competing risks", Biometrika, 90, 2003, 183-197.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Statistics for Epidemiology,” Chapman & Hall, New York, 2003.
- A. P. Galvani, X. Lei and Nicholas P. Jewell, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Temporal stability and geographic variation in cumulative case fatality rates and average doubling times”, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 9, 2003, 991-994.
- Nicholas P. Jewell and M. van der Laan, “Current status data: Review, recent developments and open problems”, Advances in Survival Analysis, Handbook in Statistics #23, 625-642, 2004, Balakrishnan, N. & Rao, C.R. eds, Elsevier.
- Nicholas P. Jewell and J. D. Kalbfleisch, "Maximum likelihood estimation of ordered multinomial parameters", Biostatistics, 5, 2004, 291-306.
- Nicholas P. Jewell and M. van der Laan, “Case-control current status data”, Biometrika, 91, 2004, 529-541.
- L. Goldman, B. Eskenazi, A. Bradman and Nicholas P. Jewell, “Risk behaviors for pesticide exposure among pregnant women living in farmworker households in Salinas, California”, American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 45, 2004, 491-499.
- Y. Chen, Nicholas P. Jewell and J. Yang, “Accelerated hazards model: Method, theory and applications”, Advances in Survival Analysis, Handbook in Statistics #23, 431-441, 2004, Balakrishnan, N. & Rao, C.R. eds, Elsevier.
- B. Eskenazi, K. Harley, A. Bradman, E. Weltzien, N. P. Jewell, D. Barr, C. Furlong, and N. Holland, “Association of in utero organophosphate exposure and fetal growth and length of gestation in an agricultural population”, Environmental Health Perspectives, 112, 2004, 1116-1124.
- Y. Han, M. E. Schneck, M. A. Bearse Jr., S. Barez, C. H. Jacobsen, Nicholas P. Jewell, and A. J. Adams, “Formulation and evaluation of a predictive model to identify the sites of future diabetic retinopathy”, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 45, 2004, 4106-4112.
- Y. Chen, Nicholas P. Jewell, X. Lei & S. C. Cheng, “Semiparametric estimation of proportional mean residual life model in presence of censoring”, Biometrics, 61, 2005, 170-178.
- N. P. Jewell and B. W. Lu, “ Some Variants of the Backcalculation Method for Estimation of Disease Incidence: An Application to Multiple Sclerosis Data from the Faroe Islands”, The International Journal of Biostatistics: 2005, Vol. 1: No. 1, Article 2. http://www.bepress.com/ijb/vol1/iss1/2.
- Asa Bradman, Jonathan Chevrier, Ira Tager, Michael Lipsett, Jaqueline Sedgwick, Janet Macher, Ana B. Vargas, Elvia B. Cabrera, Jose M. Camacho, Rosana Weldon, Katherine Kogut, Nicholas P. Jewell, and Brenda Eskenazi, “Association of housing disrepair indicators with cockroach and rodent infestations in a cohort of pregnant Latina women and their children”, Environmental Health Perspectives, 2005, 113, 1795-1801.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, M. van der Laan and X. Lei, “Bivariate current status data with univariate monitoring times”, Biometrika, 92, 2005, 847-862.
- S. S. Arnon, R. Schechter, S. E. Maslanka, N. P. Jewell, and C. L. Hatheway, “Human botulism immune globulin for the treatment of infant botulism”, The New England Journal of Medicine, 354, 2006, 462-471.
- N. P. Jewell, M. van der Laan, and S. Shiboski, “Choice of monitoring mechanism for optimal nonparametric functional estimation for binary data”, The International Journal of Biostatistics, 2006, Vol. 2: No. 1, Article 7. http://www.bepress.com/ijb/vol2/iss1/7.
- B. Eskenazi, A. R. Marks, A. Bradman, L. Fenster, C. Johnson, D. B. Barr, and N. P. Jewell, “In utero exposure to Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) and neurodevelopment among young Mexican American children,” Pediatrics, 118, 2006, 233-241.
- B. Eskenazi, A. R. Marks, A. Bradman, C. Johnson, and N. P. Jewell, “Re: Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene. Implications of Eskenazi et al study to malaria control in Africa,” Pediatrics, 2006http:pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/eletters/118/1/233#2291.
- B. Eskenazi, A. R. Marks, A. Bradman, C. Johnson, and N. P. Jewell, “Re: DDT and neurodevelopment: results inconclusive to effect policy change,” Pediatrics, 2006 http:pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/eletters/118/1/233#2291.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Correspondences between regression models for complex binary outcomes and those for structured multivariate survival analyses”, in Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference, 2007, 45-64, V. Nair: editor, World Scientific, Hackensack, New Jersey.
- M. van der Laan, Alan E. Hubbard and Nicholas P. Jewell, “Estimation of treatment effects in randomized trials with noncompliance and a dichotomous outcome”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 69, 2007, 463-482.
- N.P. Jewell, X. Lei, A.C. Ghani, C. Donnelly, G.M. Leung, I.M. Ho, and A.J. Hedley, “Non-parametric estimation of the case fatality ratio with competing risks data: an application to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)”, Statistics in Medicine, 26, 2007, 1982-1998.
- B. Eskenazi, A. R. Marks, A. Bradman, K. Harley, D. B. Barr, C. Johnson, N. Morga and N. P. Jewell, “Organophosphate pesticides and neurodevelopment in young Mexican-American children,” Environmental Health Perspectives, 115, 2007, 792-798.
- K. Hooper, J. She, M. Sharp, J. Chow, N. P. Jewell, R. Gephart and A. Holden, “Depuration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in breast milk from California first-time mothers (primiparae),” Environmental Health Perspectives, 115, 2007, 1271-1275.
- N. S. Padian, A. van der Straten, G. Ramjee, T. Chipato, G. de Bruyn, K. Blanchard, S. Shiboski, E. T. Montgomery, H. Fancher, H. Cheng, M. Rosenblum, M. van der Laan, N. Jewell, J. McIntyre, and the MIRA team, “Diaphragm and lubricant gel for prevention of HIV acquisition in southern African women: a randomized controlled trial,” The Lancet, 370, 2007, 251-261.
- N. P. Jewell, A. van der Straten, E.T. Montgomery, M. Rosenblum, and N. Padian, “Diaphragms and lubricant gel for prevention of HIV – Authors’ reply,” The Lancet, 370, 2007, 1823-1824.
- F. Vahidnia, B. Eskenazi, and N.P. Jewell, “Maternal smoking, alcohol drinking, and febrile convulsion”, Seizure-European Journal of Epilepsy, 17, 2008, 320-326.
- J. Young, N. P. Jewell and S. Samuels, “Regression analysis of a disease onset distribution using diagnosis data”, Biometrics, 64, 2008, 20-28.
- A. Bradman, A. L. Salvatore, M. Boeniger, R. Castorina, J. Snyder, D. B. Barr, N. P. Jewell, G. Kavanaugh-Baird, C. Striley and B. Eskenazi, “Community-based intervention to reduce pesticide exposures to farmworkers and potential take-home exposures to their families,” Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 19, 2008, 79-89.
- A. L. Salvatore, A. Bradman, R. Castorina, J. Camacho, J. Lopez, D. B. Barr, J. Snyder, N. P. Jewell and B. Eskenazi, “Occupational behaviors and farmworkers’ pesticide exposure: Findings from a study in Monterey County, California,” American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 51, 2008, 782-794.
- M. Rosenblum, N. P. Jewell, M. J. van der Laan, S. Shiboski, A. van der Straten and N. Padian, “Analyzing direct effects in randomized trials with secondary intervention: An application to HIV prevention trials.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A., 172, 2009, 443-465.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Quantifying the source of infection for HIV- infected hemophiliacs in the UK from 1979—1984,” Statistics in Medicine, 28, 2009, 1464-1472.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Tumorigenic effect of moisturizing creams in UVB-pretreated high-risk mice,” Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 129, 2009, 2316-2318.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Risk comparisons,” American Journal of Ophthalmology, 148, 2009, 484-486.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Risk interpretation, perception and communication,” American Journal of Ophthalmology, 148, 2009, 636-638.
- J-S. Park, A. Holden, V. Chu, M. Kim, A. Rhee, P. Patel, Y. Shi, J. Linthicum, B.J. Walton, K. McKeown, Nicholas P. Jewell and K. Hooper, “Time-trends and congener profiles of PBDEs and PCBs in California peregrine falcons (Falco Peregrinus),” Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 2009, 8744-8751.
- K. McKeown and N. P. Jewell, “Misclassification of current status data,” Lifetime Data Analysis, 16, 2010, 215-230.
- S. Shiboski, M. Rosenblum and Nicholas P. Jewell. “The impact of secondary condom interventions on the interpretation of results from HIV prevention trials,” Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases: 2010, Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 2. DOI: 10.2202/1948-4690.1003.
- A.E. Hubbard, J. Ahern, N.L. Fleischer, M. van der Laan, S.A. Lippman, Nicholas P. Jewell, T. Bruckner and W.A. Satariano, “To GEE or not to GEE: comparing estimating function and likelihood-based methods for estimating the associations between neighborhood risk factors and health,” Epidemiology, 21, 2010, 467-474.
- M. Van der Laan, A. E. Hubbard and Nicholas P. Jewell, “Learning from data: Semi-parametric models versus faith-based inference,” Epidemiology, 21, 2010, 479-481.
- K. G. Harley, N. P. Jewell, R. Aguilar, A. R. Marks, J. Chevrier, A. Bradman. A. Sjödin and B. Eskanazi, “PBDE concentrations in women: Harley et al. respond,” Environmental Health Perspectives, 2010, 118, A330-A331.
- S. McCoy, A Minnis, A. Hubbard and Nicholas P. Jewell, “A trajectory analysis of alcohol and marijuana use among Latino adolescents in San Francisco, California,” J. Adolescent Health, 47, 2010, 564-574.
- W. W. Harrison, M. A. Bearse Jr., J. S. Ng, Nicholas P. Jewell, S. Barez, D. Burger, M. E. Schneck, and A. J. Adams. “Multifocal electroretinograms predict onset of diabetic retinopathy in adult patients with diabetes,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52, 2011, 772-777.
- D. Y. Graham, Nicholas P. Jewell, and F. K. L. Chan, “Rofecoxib and clinically significant upper and lower gastrointestinal events revisited based on documents from recent litigation,” The American Journal of Medical Sciences, 342, 2011, 357-365.
- A. Hubbard, Nicholas P. Jewell, and M. J. van der Laan, “Direct effects and effect among the treated,” in Targeted Learning: Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data, eds M. J. van der Laan and S. Rose, Chapter 8, 2011, 133-143: Springer, New York.
- K. McKeown and Nicholas P. Jewell, “Current status observation of a two stage counting process with application to simultaneous accurate and diluted assay HIV test data,“ The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2011, 39, 475-487.
- W. W. Harrison, M. A. Bearse Jr., M. E. Schneck, B. E. Wolff, Nicholas P. Jewell, S. Barez, A. B. Mick, B. D. Dolan, and A. J. Adams. “Prediction, by retinal location, of the onset of diabetic edema in patients with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy,” Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2011, 52, 6825-6831.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, A. E. Hubbard and F. Jamshidian, “Dealing with unmasking effects: Longitudinal studies and the placebo effect,” Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2012, 21, 668-669.
- A. E. Hubbard, F. Jamshidian and Nicholas P. Jewell,, “Adjusting for perception and unmasking effects in longitudinal clinical trials,” 2012, International Journal of Biostatistics, Vol. 8, Issue, 2, 1-20; DOI: 10.2202/1557-4679.1376.
- J. Young, A. E. Hubbard, B. Eskenazi, and Nicholas P. Jewell, “A machine-learning algorithm for estimating and ranking the impact of environmental risk factors in exploratory epidemiological studies,” in Modeling and Inference in Biomedical Sciences: In Memory of Andrei Yakovlev, D. Oakes, W. J. Hall, and A. Almudevar eds. IMS Collections Series, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Beachwood, Ohio, to appear 2013.
- F. Jamshidian, A. E. Hubbard, and Nicholas P. Jewell, “Accounting for perception, placebo, and unmasking effects in estimating treatment effects in randomized clinical trials,” Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2013, in press.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, M. Spagat, and B. L. Jewell, “Multiple systems estimation and casualty counts: Assumptions, interpretations and challenges,” 2013, to appear, Counting Civilian Casualties: An Introduction to Recording and Estimating Nonmilitary Deaths in Conflict, Eds., T. Seybolt, J. Aronson, B. Fischoff, Oxford University Press.
- A. Bradman, K. Kogut, E. Eisen, Nicholas P. Jewell, L. Quiros, R. Castorina, J. Chevrier, N. Holland, D. B. Barr, G. Kavanaugh-Baird, B. Eskenazi, “Variability of organophosphate pesticide metabolite levels in spot and 24-hour urine samples collected from young children during 1 week,” 2013, Environmental Health Perspectives, 121, 118-124.
- B. C. Heggeseth and Nicholas P. Jewell, “The impact of covariance misspecification in multivariate Gaussian mixtures on estimation and inference: an application to longitudinal modeling,” Statistics in Medicine, 2013, 32, 2790-2803.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Counting civilian casualties,” in Statistics, Science and Public Policy XVII, Democracy, Danger and Dilemmas, 2013, ed. A.M. Herzberg. Kingston: Queen’s University, 75-80.
- J. R Greenland, K. D. Jones, S. R. Hays, J. A Golden, A. Urisman, Nicholas P Jewell, G. H. Caughey, and N. N. Trivedi, “Large-airway lymphocytic bronchitis predicts bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome,” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2013, 187, 417-423.
- Nicholas P. Jewell and R. Emerson, “Current status data: An illustration with data on avalanche victims,” 2013, Handbook in Statistics, Survival Analysis, Chapman & Hall, 391-412.
- Nicholas P. Jewell, “Assessing causes for individuals,” Sociological Methods and Research, 2013, to appear.