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Ph.D. student Jeff Regier is the 2013 Google US/Canada Fellow in Machine Learning


Statistics Ph.D. student Jeffrey Regier has been awarded the 2013 Google US/Canada Fellowship in Machine Learning. Only 15 of these highly competitive fellowships were given out this year, and only one in machine learning. Please congratulate Jeff on receipt of this prestigious award.

There's more information in this Google Research blog post:

Peter Bickel to give COPSS Fisher lecture at JSM

Peter Bickel will give the COPSS Fisher lecture at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Montreal on August 7th, at 4pm.

The title of his talk is "From Fisher to "Big Data": continuities and discontinuities".

Here is a partial program for JSM.

Graduate students receive awards

Congratulations to Adam Bloniarz, Geno Guerra, Jeff Regier and Ashia Wilson!

Ashia Wilson and Geno Guerra were awarded NSF fellowships, Jeff Regier was awarded the Citadel Fellowship for 2013-14 and Adam Bloniarz was awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship from the ASEE.

Allan Sly wins 2013 Rollo Davidson Prize

Professor Allan Sly has won the Rollo Davidson Prize for 2013, jointly with Eyal Lubetzky.

The citation recognises his work on the dynamics of the Ising model, and especially his proof of the cut-off phenomenon.

IMS Establishes Blackwell Lecture

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics has established the Blackwell Lecture, a newly named lecture honoring Prof. David Blackwell. The lecture will be given at the IMS annual meeting approximately once every three years, starting in 2014.

Assistant Professor Employment Opportunity

We invite applications for a position in all areas of Probability and Statistics beginning July 1, 2013. Position #1742 is at the tenure-track level (Assistant Professor). We will consider strong candidates in any area of probability or theoretical, applied, or computational statistics. Candidates with ABD ("all but PhD degree") status will be considered, but the successful candidate must finish the PhD within one year of their appointment.

Berkeley statisticians help find function of "junk" DNA in human genome

Berkeley statisticians played a key role in the large ENCODE consortium that determined the function of what was thought to be "junk" DNA in the human genome. Led by Peter Bickel, the statisticians provided several of the tools biologists needed to uncover the functional roles of DNA outside protein coding genes.