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Ben Recht tackles Big Data

Assistant professor Ben Recht and graduate student Ashia Wilson are featured on the Berkeley Research Highlights web page.  Read more about the work and life of Ben Recht – a winner of the White House with a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers here.

Prof. Ben Recht wins Presidential Early Career Award

Assistant Professor Ben Recht, who holds a joint appointment in the departments of EECS and Statistics, is one of 102 recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers.

Sourav Chatterjee wins Loève Prize 2013

The Line and Michel Loève International Prize in Probability, awarded every two years, commemorates Michel Loève, Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1948-1979. The Prize, established by his widow, Line, in 1992 recognizes the outstanding contributions by researchers in probability who are under 45 years old.

Prof. Nick Jewell wins Berkeley Faculty Service Award

Professor in the Department of Statistics, Nicholas Jewell, has won the Berkeley Academic Senates Faculty Service Award.  The award is given to "honor a member of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate who has given outstanding and dedicated service to the Berkeley campus".  The Academic Senate provided the following statement to motivate the choice of Prof. Jewell:

Ph.D. student Jeff Regier is the 2013 Google US/Canada Fellow in Machine Learning


Statistics Ph.D. student Jeffrey Regier has been awarded the 2013 Google US/Canada Fellowship in Machine Learning. Only 15 of these highly competitive fellowships were given out this year, and only one in machine learning. Please congratulate Jeff on receipt of this prestigious award.

There's more information in this Google Research blog post:

Peter Bickel to give COPSS Fisher lecture at JSM

Peter Bickel will give the COPSS Fisher lecture at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Montreal on August 7th, at 4pm.

The title of his talk is "From Fisher to "Big Data": continuities and discontinuities".

Here is a partial program for JSM.

Graduate students receive awards

Congratulations to Adam Bloniarz, Geno Guerra, Jeff Regier and Ashia Wilson!

Ashia Wilson and Geno Guerra were awarded NSF fellowships, Jeff Regier was awarded the Citadel Fellowship for 2013-14 and Adam Bloniarz was awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship from the ASEE.

Allan Sly wins 2013 Rollo Davidson Prize

Professor Allan Sly has won the Rollo Davidson Prize for 2013, jointly with Eyal Lubetzky.

The citation recognises his work on the dynamics of the Ising model, and especially his proof of the cut-off phenomenon.